Chapter 4: Who Would Do This

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                ''I...i'm not g...going b...back,'' White stuttered.

                 ''You're not,'' Red Arrow says, trying to comfort him. ''Everyone here's a hero, they won't do anything to you.''

                ''Where are your parents,'' Batman asked.

                 ''T...they w...were a part o...of D...Dark O...Ops,'' White says. ''T...they k...killed my s...sister get to''

                 He was shaking, trying not to live through that pain again. 

               ''You should get some rest,'' Batman said. ''Give yourself time to heal.''

                White nodded, lying down and closing his eyes. When he got to sleep, Batman did a few more tests to see what else he was dealing with. He lifted up his shirt, and was shocked by what he found. There was a 'Y' shaped scar on his chest, and it looked like it had been reopened many times. 

                He properly cleaned and sealed all his wounds. He sent Superboy and Red Arrow away. They went to the living room. The rest of the team were all very concerned.

               ''How's the kid doing,'' Artemis asked.

               ''He's sleeping,'' Red Arrow said. ''Batman's taking care of his injuries.''

               ''I can't even imagine what he went through,'' Robin says. ''He looks different from others, but he seems so innocent.''

                ''You guys didn't see him down there,'' Superboy says. ''When I saved him, he was terrified. He looked as if he thought I would hurt him.''

                 ''He's going to need time in order to trust us,'' Aqualad said. ''Anyone in his situation would have a hard time.''

                  ''Who would do this to an innocent kid,'' Miss.Martian says, saddened.

                   ''He told us it was his own parents,'' Red Arrow said.

                   Miss.Martian was on the verge of tears. The others could hardly believe what Roy told them.

                   ''His parents,'' Artemis gasped. 

                   ''How could anyone do anything like that to their own kid,'' Kid Flash said. ''That isn't right.''

                   ''He wasn't even simply kidnapped and tortured,'' Superboy says. ''He had this big scar on his chest, like they cut him open. They treated him like no human being should ever be treated.''

                 ''I don't think he was human to them,'' Robin said. ''He was an experiment.''

                                            *****Line Break*****

              The team waited a few more hours for an update from Batman. He came in, causing everyone to stand up.

                ''Any news,'' Superboy asked.

                 ''Siren's already started healing, but his psychological damage is pretty extensive,'' the dark knight says. ''From all of his injuries, he must have been in that facility for, at least, two years.''

                  ''Two years of that,'' Artemis said. ''How is he still alive?''

                   ''From the looks of him, he did get medical care, but not very extensive care,'' Batman says.

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