Chapter 30: Dislocation

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The bedroom is cold, and I can still see Brianna laying in the bed. When will she wake up? Is she dead? Honestly I don't know, she's been passed out for about twenty four hours now. She does look better then she did though.

I go into the master closet and find some pajamas to put on. I chose a silky tank top and long pants, they had pink and white stripes, and little flowers in the white parts. It felt weird to wear something so revealing, after what happened.

Maybe that's why Robbie attacked me. I was wearing a tank top.

I sit on the bed next to Wilbur, who's been sleeping ever since I let him out. He looks up at me, I can tell his expressions aren't the same as they used to be. I don't blame him. He's been locked in a tight cage for days. I've only let him out a couple times to go to the bathroom, but he was an inside cat so he was scared of being outside and couldn't go. He just always went in the cage, he's probably soaked in urine. I did clean out his cage on the way here, but it still needs to be washed with soap.

His face is slimmer than before, and I can tell he's close to starving. I go to my bag by the closet and pull out a can of beef soup. I crack it open, take the little plate that held jewelry on the dresser to use as his feeding dish, and I put it in front of him.

It took him a couple of minutes to check it out, but then he scarfed it down. He licked the plate clean.

My hair is still soaking wet, and I'm not ready to lay down and go back to sleep. My mind is racing and I know laying there awake for five hours won't help.

I walk over to the window and try to look outside, it's dark, but the candle in the room shows that a chair is leaning against the window. I never noticed that their was a balcony out there. I unlock the handle and open the glass door. A hot gust of air fills the room. I step outside and close the door behind me. The balcony is small, only big enough to have a couple lawn chairs and maybe a small table.

I walk up to the railing and grip it as I look down into the pool. The reflection of the moon mirrors the still water, and I can faintly see the leaves that are settled at the bottom.

Should we leave them? The thought keeps coming back. Would we be better off without them? I know it's horrible to think, but after what happened tonight, I don't know if we're safe if we stay.

"Woooshhhh." I hear a faint whisper. My head jerks around, frantically looking to see if Robbie snuck up on me. Maybe it's an infected, how did they get in the backyard? I have no weapon, or no way to kill it. What happens if it gets into the house?

"I've come to abduct you, but don't be afraid, I'm not as ugly as the other aliens." I hear a laugh from above me. I look up, and see a faint outline of someone sitting on the middle of the roof.


"Can't sleep?" I hear him laugh again. He then stands up and walks to the edge of the roof, right above the balcony.

"What do you think?" I laugh to try and sound like he didn't scare the shit out of me.

"See? I don't have green skin and huge black eyes, you should like this alien." He points to himself with both hands.

A small smile shows on my lips. It feels good to have someone try and make me feel better.

"Okay Mr. Space Alien, where are you taking me?" I raise an eyebrow.

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