FVF-Chapter 8

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Dedicated to iHearMelodies, She hates the petname "Babe" ;)

I know, i know, i suck!
Had exams and stuff, couldnt write much but im back and im trying!!
Thanks for reading this crappy story! Thai is, if anyone IS reading it...
I dont get many comments...


I locked my car, walking toward school. It was Monday morning and I had barely gotten any sleep last night. Sliding my sunglasses onto my face I strode towards the entrance but I had barely made it halfway when a figure stepped in front of me. 

"Hey" Aaron smiled. I kept my face neutral and didn’t answer.

"Look, Babe, I’m sorry okay?" He frowned. I pushed my glasses back onto my face, stepping round him

"Nat! Babe, Listen...please?" he held my arm

"One: I’m not your Babe, an am NOT bacon! Do I look like a pig to you? And Two: Don’t talk to me Aaron, Its over!"

"But Babe! I mean Nat, Please, forgive me I wasn’t thinking straight, I was drunk...I love you babe" He pleaded

"You were drunk? So what makes you think you won’t get drunk and do it again?" I asked and when he didn’t reply I stepped past him and he let me go.


 I walked into first lesson, sitting down next to Jamie.

"Hey" He smiled twirling a pencil I recognised as mine between his fingers. 

"Hi" I sat down pulling out my stuff

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah... No... Aarons been bothering me again" I frowned

"Why? What’s he done?" Jamie asked, tensing up

"Nothing really, he just wants me to take him back" I replied casually 

"Hell no!" Jamie growled, I raised an eyebrow at him

"He had his chance and he blew it, please tell me you turned him down?"

"Yes I did but what does it matter to you?" I asked

"Nothing, I’m just trying to protect the hottest girl in school" Jamie winked. I slapped his arm, laughing. It was strange how he made me feel better almost instantly.


I sat at lunch chatting to Sam and Amber.

"I think Dylan might ask me out soon though" Amber smiled. Amber was really pretty with chocolate-brown skin and green eyes, I was surprised Dylan (her crush) hadn’t asked her out yet!

"Oooh, speaking of asking out..." Sam said and everyone’s eyes turned to me

"What?" I asked

"What’s going on with you and Jamie Holt?" Mariella asked, obviously taking a breath from sucking her boyfriend, Lee's, face.

 "What?? Me and him, nothing were just friends...I guess" I mumbled.

"Wasn’t he the one my cousin saw leaving your house the other night after you were all over him in the driveway" Amber pointed a finger in my face and everybody gasped

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