FVF-Chapter 2

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Dedicated to you because u made me post htis XD ENJOY!

“Finally! School is done for the day! Want to come to mine?” Sam asked me, heading towards our cars which were parked together as always. I took out a lollipop and stuck it into my mouth. I am ADDICTED to lollipops; I have like 6 in my hand bag just in case.

“Sam! Its only Monday! No thanks, maybe tomorrow?” I asked taking my keys out my back pocket

“Sure, whenever! Mi caso is tu caso and all that”

“Haha Sammy I don’t think you said that right” I laughed pulling open the door.

“Oh what-ever!! You know I fail at German!” She said huffing. I laughed as she slipped into her blue jaguar convertible

“TTYL!!” I heard her yell before speeding out the gates driving in that crazy way she does and nearly hitting 3 cars on their way towards the gate. I giggled to myself and turned around, totally face-planting a blue wall.

“What the..?” I questioned looking up and the walls face smiling down at me.

“Better watch where you’re going Natasha” he smirked stepping aside. I knew I couldn’t let him bother me so…I did what I do best.

I walked past him dragging my fingertips across his chest and turned to face him. I looked up through my eyelashes and fluttered them slightly.

“So sorry Jamie…I’ll definitely watch where I’m going next time” I purred stroking his arm discreetly. He nodded and I turned and walked back to my car swaying my hips slightly. When I got to my car I tossed my hair over my shoulders and waved.

“Bye..Jamie” I winked and slipped into my purple mini cooper convertible, shutting the door. He was staring at me with his mouth hanging open slightly

“And Jamie? You’ll catch flies!” I yelled as I drove off laughing.

When I got home, 10 minutes later, I walked into the kitchen and put my bag on the counter as I always do.

“Hey Mom!”  I said sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen, next to my 12 year old sister, Charlotte.

“Hey Char!” I said ruffling her hair

“Hello honey, how was your day?” Mum asked completely ignoring Charlottes whining about me ruffling her hair.

“Was great, What’s for Dinner?” I asked picking up an apple and biting into it.

“Spaghetti, no meat, tomato sauce. is that okay?” She asked

“Yup!” I nodded picking up my bag and heading up the stairs to my Attic room. I opened the door and was greeted by my Golden retriever, Trisha, came bouncing over to me and jumping into my arms.

“Hey Trisha What’s up?” I asked her and she barked back. I smiled and put her down. She lay at my feet and I crouched down in front of her.

“Trisha, Eyes!” I said covering my eyes and she put both paws over her eyes. I trained her well! I quickly changed out of my clothes and put on my blue tracksuit and sweatband.

“Trisha, Come on!” I called and she sprung up following me down the stairs. she waited obediently by the front door while I picked up a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Back in an hour!” I called as I clipped Trisha’s leash onto her bright red collar and put my earphones in my ears. I opened the door and stepped out into the late afternoon sun and began jogging to the beat of my music.

A few minutes later I was still jogging when SOS by Rihanna came on. I love this song!

“I can’t control myself got me calling out for” I sang doing a little twirl, getting myself caught in the leash. Id tied me feet together and as I was falling I screamed the last part of the lyrics wich just happened to be

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