FVF-Chapter 6

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I know, i know, its been ages Blah Blah 

I just wanted to get tis chapter right... For you guys :')

So you better Vote/Comment/Fan!!

 Im Joking, Enjoy :D

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I typed up the last paragraph for my homework clicking save.

"Done!" I grinned. 7 whole pages on the Industrial Revolution? give me a medal, a trophy and a pat on the back! Suddenly my phone bleeped. I glanced at it.

dance starts in 10 youre always early, where r u?? -Samx

 Oh crap! How could i forget? This was the highlight of the week! Dance every saturday, 3-7pm!!. I quickly pulled on an electric purple tanktop, my black leggings and my black trainers. I picked up my bag and jumper, pulling it on as i jogged down the stairs.

"Oh, Honey, I was just about to ask if you were going to dance today?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, i completely forgot! Homework!" I explained grabbing my bottle of water. I ran throught the garrage where Dad was poking around in the hood of his car, covered in grease and dirt.

"No chance of a lift then?" I asked

"No, take your car" He grumbled 

"Its behind yours, can you move it?" I asked impatiently

"No, Cant get the car to start" He frowned sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ugh, nevermind ill run!" I called running out of the garrage. The dance studio we worked in was only a 2 minute drive, 10 minute walk and 5 minute run away. 

"Nat! What happened?" Sam asked as i put my bag down on the bench, panting.

"Homework" I answered

"Warm up, were starting in 2 mins" Sam said getting into her usual spot, bending to stretch to her toes.

"Dont worry, i ran here" I smiled.

"Okay everyone first positions, lets run through what weve got for 'Lady Marmalade' Mike, the music!" I called clapping my hands. The 8 other girls got up, getting into their positions as i placed myself in the middle.

" and... 5, 6, 7, 8!"


I hobbled home pushing my keys into the lock. All my muscles were aching from the sereis of carwheels, twists and moved i had done. Plus, Dinner wouldve started by now. I opened the door wobbling into the kitchen.

"Im home!" I called smiling. When nobody answered i looked up.




"What the freakum?" I stuttered glancing between Mum, Dad Charlotte and Jamie. Yes, Jamie.

"Hey Tasha" Jamie grinned stuffing some broccoli into his mouth

"Welcome back honey, take a seat" Mum said signaling the seat inbetween Jamie and Dad.

"Nonononono, Wait. What the hell are you doing here?" I asked pointing at Jamie

"Natasha! That is no way to welcome a guest!" Mum scolded. I rolled my eyes and smiled sweetly. I pulled out my chair sitting down next to him and sat down jabbing my fork into my steak.

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