Chapter 23

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Sammy's Pov:
I woke up and grabbed my phone beside me and looked at the time and it was 7:30am I looked over on the other side and seen my beautiful baby girl. Which did nothing but put a smile on my face. I am so I love with her there is not words to describe it. I looked over to where Nate and Andrea were last night but they were gone. I guess they must have went home sometime last night. I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't even notice Sidney woke up. "Good morning baby girl" I whispered.
"Good morning handsome. The twins still asleep" she questioned.
"Yea I think so I haven't heard them cry today"
"Ok. I love you so much and I can't wait to be married to you tomorrow"
"Me to baby it's gonna be amazing! Especially can't wait till our first time having sex as a married couple" I smirked
"Oh yes that's gonna be so fun. Where's Nate and Andrea?" she questioned
"I don't know I think they left" I responded all she did was smirk. She then roughly kissed me and climbed on my lap. I pulled off her top and she didn't have on a bra. I started to kiss down her neck then all the sudden I heard someone scream...
"WHAT THE FUCK!! MY EYES!" I looked up and seen Nate covering his eyes with his hand. I looked back at Sidney and noticed she was scrabbling to put on her shirt. Once she got it on she buried her head into my chest in embarrassment while I rubbed her back
"Yo what the fuck I thought you left" I laughed
"No me and Andrea were playing with the twins but I came down here to wake y'all up but CLEARLY y'all are awake!" All I could do was laugh.
"Nate I'm sorry we thought you were gone" she said with her head still in my chest.
"It's all good I just never want to see your boobs EVER again"
"I wouldn't mind seeing them again" I smirked. Sidney slapped my shoulder.
"Sammy" she giggled.
"Sam shut the fuck up and come with me to the store" Nate rolled his eyes while I laughed.
"Ight man lets go" I got off the couch and kissed by beautiful baby. "I'll be back"
"Um your not leaving the house with no shirt on" she scolded.
"Right! Sorry baby I forgot" I said as I ran up stairs.
"Man your so fucking whipped" Nate yelled.
"You know it" I winked as I ran down stairs.
"Much better" Sidney said as she walked past me slapping my ass.
"Hey you better watch it or else I'm gonna have to show you who's boss" I smirked as she giggled running upstairs.
"Ok that's enough you two by the way we fed your kids" Nate said as he pulled me outside by my shirt.
"Thank you Nate!" she yelled.
"Aye so what are we going to the store for" I asked.
"I want to get chips and Andrea said she needs chocolate" Nate laughed.
"Ight I need condoms anyway" I smirked I only said that cuz I knew it would piss him off.
"You want me to fuck you up" he scoffed
"Hahah stfu Nate I'm fucking with you" I laughed.
"You really are annoying" He laughed.
Sidney's Pov:
Sammy left and I ran upstairs and went into Payton's room to find Andrea with Payton and Mikey Andrea looked up at me and smiled "hey bae!"
"You just missed the funniest shit" I laughed
"What happened"
"Nate walked in on me and Sammy mid way through a heated make out my shirt off and all"
"Oh my god that's priceless" she laughed.
"Ikr can you do me a huge favor?" I asked
"Sure wassup"
"Can you watch the twins while I take a quick shower? I promise I'll be fast"
"Yes of course take your time"
"Thank you thank you thank you i love you so much!" I kissed each of my babies and ran to the bathroom. Once I got in there I washed my hair and body I shaved everything that needed it. I got out of the shower only to be face with a sexy ass looking Sammy. He wrapped me up with a towel and kissed my lips.
"Hello my beautiful baby"
"Hello daddy" I smirked and walked past him going into our closet hearing him groin.
"I'm gonna take a shower mami"
"Ok i love you I'll be with the babies" I heard a faint ok as the water turned on 
I got dressed in...

 "I'm gonna take a shower mami""Ok i love you I'll be with the babies" I heard a faint ok as the water turned on  I got dressed in

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I went into Payton's room and seen Nate and Andrea laying on the floor playing with the babies. "Hey guys thank you for watching the little munchkins" I said as I picked up Mikey.
"No problem cuz.. where's Sammy?" Nate asked.
"He's in the shower. He should be out in a few minutes." I reply smiles and cooing at the beautiful creature in my arms.
"Ight well can you do me a favor and tell him that I'll see him later?" Nate asked.
"Yea of course. Y'all leaving?" I questioned.
"Yea we're gonna head out Andrea's not feeling well." He replied.
"Ok well I love you guys. Feel better baby girl" I said hugging Andrea.
"Thank you babes good luck with these little cuties" she giggled holding Payton. I put Mikey on the floor with his toys and she put Payton down there also. They left and about 5 minutes later Sammy came out wearing

(Ignore the message I'm too lazy to crop it 😂 just a good friend and I reuniting 😋)"Damn baby you look sexy with that red crop top" he said grabbing my waist

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(Ignore the message I'm too lazy to crop it 😂 just a good friend and I reuniting 😋)
"Damn baby you look sexy with that red crop top" he said grabbing my waist.
"Well you look sexy fine ass body" I giggled. He kissed my lips. "Where's Nate and Andrea" he asked.
"They went home she wasn't feeling well"
"Oh ok" he kissed me again and walked past me picking up Payton. He kissed her cheek and she grabbed his lips while he smiled. I walked up next to them and kissed his cheek.
"Your an amazing daddy" I said to him.
"Your an amazing mommy" he smiled. "Baby can you please grab Mikey and get him dressed while I get Payton dressed?"
"Yes of course but where are we going" I answered.
"That's for me to know and you to find out" he winked. Ugh I love this man so much!

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