Chapter 21

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3 days later
Sidney's POV:
I found out yesterday that Sammy has been smoking weed with non other that Nathan. I am beyond pissed because I mean we have two little babies and they don't need that around them. Sammy is currently on his way from Nates house and when he gets home I plan to confront him. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the door opening and closing. I am in our room laying down on my phone and the twins were sleeping. He came in the room and laid down next to me and tried to cuddle
Sam: hey baby girl.
I quickly stood up to get away from him.
Me: we need to talk.
Sam: okay what's up Lil mama
Me: I'm just gonna be straight up with you okay.
Sam: okay.
Me: I know you smoke weed and it needs to stop
Sam: Sidney no it makes me happy. You can't just say I need to stop something.
Me: Sam its not good for the twins be be aroud that. I said starting to yell a little bit.
Sam: That's why its not around them. he said full on yelling
Me: I don't care Sam I don't want you to be getting high
Sam: well maybe I don't care what you want. Have you ever though of that? Maybe I just stayed with you because I felt bad for you.
By now I was full on sobbing.
Me: F-fine Sam if you don't love me then I'll leave okay just forget about me and the twins okay we will never be apart of your life again.
When I said that his eyes instantly filled with regret. I ran over to my dresser and started to gather some of my things I only got a few outfits because I'll just have someone come get the rest for me. I went in Mikey's room and packed him a bag and the same to Payton. All while Sam was following me and trying to grab me and say sorry.
Once I got our stuff packed I put it in my car and went back into the house and got the twins and my phone. I went back outside and got the twins buckled in and as I was about to get in my seat sammy ran up and grabbed my arm gently and turned me around.
Sam: baby please I didn't mean it I love you so much please don't leave don't take my kids from me. He said crying.
Me: you know what Sam the part that hurts is me walking away because I am still in love with you and maybe you were my one true love but I guess I was never yours I wish you a great life. Goodbye Sammy.
With that I ran to my side of the car got in and drove off crying. Once I got of sight of the house I pulled over. Slammed my hands against the wheel. And started sobbing.
Me: w-why can't I e-ever be good enough. Why.
After a few minutes I pulled it together a little. And called Nate. The phone rang once then went to voice mail I called 3 more times and the same thing happened. So I decided to call Andrea.
Me: D-drea.
Drea😚❤: Sidney what's going on Nate is on the phone with Sam and he is freaking out.
Me: I-its over D-drea.
Drea😚❤: ohh baby girl come to my place.
Me: okay.
I hung up the phone and started my car again and drove to Nate and Andrea's place.
When I got there I got the twins out of the car and ran up to the door and knocked. A few seconds later Nate opened the door and took the twins while Andrea came up and hugged me while I cried into her shoulder.
Andrea: its okay baby girl.
Me: Drea I miss him so much already. I said crying.
Andrea: its okay babe you can stay here until you guys fix things.
Me:thank you but I don't think things will be fixed. I'm just going to feed the twins then go to bed.
Andrea: no just let me and Nate take care of the twins tonight.
Me: no you don't have to I'm still there mom.
Nate: Sidney we want to now go to sleep.
I got up and hugged Nate and said thank you and went to sleep in the guest room.
Sammy's POV:
I watched as the love of my life drove away. I have no idea why I said what i said. When she was out of sight I went in our room and just started throwing things. After about 10 minutes I decided to call Nate.
Me: Nathan is she there let me talk to her.
Nate: woah Sam calm down talk to who?
Me: Sidney Nate I need her man I fucked up I need her I'm nothing without her.
Nate: what do you mean what happen
Me: we got in a fight and she left with the twins. Please man I can't live without her. Help me. I'm sorry I didn't mean it.
Nate: aye I got to go man she's here crying. But it will all work out.
With that he hung up I threw my phone across the room and slid down the wall and slowly drifted to sleep crying.
3 days later
Sidney's POV:
I work up to Mikey crying. And it wasn't a normal cry either it was some type of scream. I jumped out of bed and ran over to him to see that he was kinda pale and when I touched him he was so cold and his lips were kinda blue.
Nate and Andrea came running into the room
Me: I need to take him to the hospital. There's something wrong. I said with panic in my voice.
Nate: hurry go we will be down asap. You can leave Payton here.
Me: thank you.
I got Mikey and ran to the car and drove to the hospital.
Once I got there I ran inside.
Me: someone help.
Lady: what wrong honey
Me: my baby there's something wrong.
She had me go into a room with him and they hooked him up with a bunch of wires and ran some tests. After an hour we was still sitting in the room Nate came in the room with Andrea holding Payton. I ran over to Payton and hugged her.
Nate: so what's going on?
Me: they are running some tests.
Nate: okay where is Sam.
Me: Nate I told you that he is not in my life anymore please just drop it. I said walking past him.
Nate: sidbey he's hurting without you not to mention its his son to he deserves to be notified that his son is in the hospital.
Andrea: Sidney just call him.
Me: ugh fine.
I got my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number.
Sam: Omg Sidney I'm so sorry I really am I didn't mean it I love you so much please take me back
Me: Sam I didn't call for us Mikey is in the hospital.
Sam: What what's wrong is he okay?
Me: I don't know sammy but Nate and Andrea thought you should know I have to go bye.
Once I hung up the doctor came in the room.
Dr: mrs. Martinez
Me: yes
Dr: I have som information about your son.
Me: okay.
Dr: see your son has a rare heart deise. And it could be fatal.
Once she said that I fell to my knees and started to cry.
Nate: thank you doctor.
She then walked out of the room and Nate ran over to me. And tried to help me up.
Me: leave me alone don't touch me.
He stood up and backed away and went over to Andrea.
Nate: call sammy tell him to get here fast. He's the only way we can get her to calm down.
Andrea ran out of the room. And came back minutes later.
Andrea: he said he's already here.
Just when she said that the door flung open. I was still on my knees sobbing.
Sam: Nate what happened
Nate: you need to calm her down.
He then looked over to me and I quickly looked up and seen the tears in his eyes. And looked back down.
He sat down in front of me on his knees.
Nate: we are gonna take Payton and give you two some time alone.
With that they walked out.
Sam: Sidney what's wrong with him.
I didn't respond. He tried to grab my hand but I pulled it away.
Me: p-please don't touch me.
Sam: Sidney please tell me what's wrong with our baby.
Me: h-he has a r-rare heart condition. Sammy it can be fatal.
Sam: no no he can't hes just a baby I can't loose him two. I already lost you.
Me: Sammy please just leave I can't see you. Please.
Sam: no I need you to know that I'm here for you always and forever.
Me: then why did you say the things you said
Sam: I honesty don't know but non of it was true. I am so inlove with you I can't do anything without you. I want to be married to you. Please Sidney be mine again I love you to much to let you go.
Me: Sammy what you said hurt me. And the reason for that is because I am madly in love with you. And I could never imagine a future without you in it. Yes I will be yours. He then leaned in and kissed me.
Sam: we are going to get him treatment. I don't care what it takes.

Just then I woke up. I looked over and Sammy was still asleep.

Im not sure when I will be able to update again because I have loads of Homework. But I'll update asap. And A big reason of me being able to come up with this chapter is jacobstissue she is a very good internet friend of mine and she is also the one who did my book cover. Pm her if you want one. And go read her stories. It was all just a dream. How many of you was scared?

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