Chapter 14

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Sammy's POV:
I woke up this morning and felt around the bed and Sidney wasn't there I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and Sidney wasn't there so she must be down stairs. I went ahead and got in the shower to start my day off. When I got out of the shower I went in the room and Sidney still wasn't there I got dressed in

I couldn't seem to get my shit buttoned so I went down stairs and seen my beautiful baby girl making breakfast and she was dressed in

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I couldn't seem to get my shit buttoned so I went down stairs and seen my beautiful baby girl making breakfast and she was dressed in

I couldn't seem to get my shit buttoned so I went down stairs and seen my beautiful baby girl making breakfast and she was dressed in

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I walked up behind her and put my hands on her waist and my head on her shoulder.
Me: hey baby girl you look beautiful.
Sidney: why thank you babe but I think that you need to button your shirt or we might have a problem.
I knew exactly what I meant but I just wanted to mess with her.
Me: what problem lil ma?
Sidney: Oh Sammy you know the problem you are just to damn hot.
Me: Oh baby I know I am but we have another little problem.
Sidney: haha okay and what might that be?
Me: I can't seem to get them buttoned. So I guess I just have to wear it like this.
Sidney: yea no we are going in public today and I don't want other girls starring at what is mine. So come here and I'll button it for you baby. Just let me finish cooking your breakfast.
Me: aww my baby makes me breakfast and is jealous of other girls.
Sidney: yes I did and damn right I do.
Me: well you have nothing to be jealous of because I am all yours and nobody else's. Understand
Sidney: yes sir I understand. Now go sit down and I'll bring you your food.
Me: are you sure baby I mean aren't you tired you have a baby in that beautiful stomach of yours.
Sidney: yea baby I'm good but we have to start moving in today.
Me: yea I know but I don't want you doing a lot because of the baby okay.
Sidney: but sa...
I cut her off because I am pretty set in my ways about this.
Me: no buts baby I can't take the chance of you or the baby getting hurt. I I'm not changing my mind.
Sidney: fine but I just want you to know that you are a stubborn ass. Now go set down.
As I was walking away to go sit down I said
Me: yea but I'm your stubborn ass.
(Arriving at the new house)

 (Arriving at the new house)

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