Chapter 16

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Sidney' POV:
I woke up at 12:00am and then at 2:30 and now I am here at 4:30am awake again. I can't sleep through the night sometimes but I usually am able to go back to sleep after but right now I can't seem to fall asleep. I looked over at Sammy and Megan and they were sound asleep. I got up out of bed and walked downstairs into the living room.

I sat down on the couch and turned on spongebob

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I sat down on the couch and turned on spongebob. After about an hour of watching tv. Someone sat beside me. I looked up and it was Sammy.
Sam: what are you doing up baby girl?
Me: I couldn't sleep. Last night or tonight. I don't know what's wrong.
Sam: alright come here.
I then cuddled up to Sammy and I have no idea why but I started to fall asleep. The last thing I heard was Sammy say
Sam: you just needed me baby girl.
After he said that he kissed my head. I woke up about 4 hours later and it was 9:30. Oh shit Annie is going to be here at 10:00. I got up off of the couch and went into my room where Megan was still sleeping. I gently shook her awake.
Me: Megan honey
Megan:yes. She said in her sleepy voice.
Me: come on baby girl you got to get a bath and get dressed because you're mommy is going to be here soon.
She hopped out of my bed and ran to the bathroom. I waddled over there and when I got there she was already sitting in the bathtub with no water in it.
(After bath)
When I got her out of the bath 9:55. I quickly got her dressed and did her hair.

Me: aww you look so cute!!Megan:thank you do you think uncle Sammy will think it look cute

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Me: aww you look so cute!!
Megan:thank you do you think uncle Sammy will think it look cute.
Me: most definitely.
We went downstairs and Sam was in the kitchen cooking pancakes.
Me: hey baby. I said peaking his lips
Sam: hey Mami.
Me: look at your niece
He then looked over at Megan and said
Megan:Oh uncle Sammy you are so funny. She said laughing.
Just then the door bell went off
Me: I'll go get the door Megan go eat your pancakes and Sammy can you pleas get her bag out of the room.
Megan: okay. She said sitting down and binging to eat.
Sam: no problem baby girl. He said while running to the stairs.
I went over to the door and opened it.
Annie: hey sorry I'm late I missed my alarm.
Me: it's okay she is in the kitchen eating pancakes that Sammy made.
Annie: okay well thank you for having her over.
Me: no problem I really enjoyed her being here.
And with that said Sammy came running down the stairs still in his boxers.
Sam: here's her bag baby.
Me: thank you Sammy.
Annie: ugh geez Sam put some clothes on.
Sam: well Sidney thinks that I should have less clothes on huh babe.
Me: Samuel
Annie: okay I did not need to hear that. I'm just going to go get my daughter.
Me: sorry for him.
Annie: no need to apologize it's just how he is.
When she went into the kitchen I slapped Sammy in the stomach.
Sam: ugh what was that for.
Me: oh well I don't know you just told your sister that I want to see you with no clothes on.
Sam: don't worry about it baby i mean your pregnant I think that she knows that we have had sex.
Annie then came back into the living room with Megan singing let it go. and she then walked to the door and turned around to me
Annie: really don't worry about it Sidney Sammy is right. I mean I think that I know.
Me: ugh fine. Bye Megan I'll see you later love you
Megan:bye auntie Sidney love you too. Bye uncle Sammy I love you
Sam: bye babygirl love you too.
They then left and I walked over to Sammy and hugged him.
Me: I love you so much baby.
Sam: I love you to baby girl.
Me: okay so I have to go pick up my cousin at 7:30pm and it is 10:30 right now so I have eight hours exactly. So what are we going to do until then.
Sam: well we could cuddle until then but when it's time to leave I'm going with you because I won't want you driving.
Me: fine.
Sam: oh yea that reminds me my best friend is coming to town tonight also and I was wondering that if I could go hang out with him sometime tomorrow.
Me: baby you don't have to ask me if you can do something.
Sam: yea I know but I just want to give you that respect.
Me: you are truly one of a kind.
Sam: aww so are you baby girl lets go cuddle now.
(7 hours later~insert sponge bob voice~)
Me: shit Sammy we have to get ready we have to be there in an hour.
Sam: okay let's go shower.
We got in the shower quickly and got changed.

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