Chapter 3

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Sidney's pov:
Sam: Mami I'm hungry.
Me:ok daddy lets go downstairs and get you something to eat.
Sam: Yea and maby you can meet my mom.
Me: but what if she doesn't like me?
Sam: believe me she already loves you because I don't shut the fuck up about you.
Me: aww I got my daddy whipped.
Sam: you do know that if you keep calling me daddy that I'll have to show you how much of a daddy I can be.
Me: only if you can catch me.... Daddy.
And with that I ran down the stairs with Sam right behind me. Once I got down stairs I ran into the kitchen and then I got in there I didn't notice that someone was already in there because I was trying to get away from Sam. He caught up to me and grabbed my waist.
Sam: See I told you I could get you.
Me: Yea yea yea.
Sam: oh hey mom I didn't see you. Mom this is Sidney my girlfriend. Sidney this is my mom Lori.
Me: Hi Lori nice to meet you.
Lori: hi sweetie it is so great to finally meet you.
Me: Same here.
Lori: well do you guys want something to eat?
Sam: yes please.
Me: no thank you.
Lori: are you sure honey it's really no problem.
Me:yea I'm just not feeling well but thank you.
I was starting to get nervous because I have no idea how I am going to do this I need to loose all of this fat but how with Sam around me all of the time. I have an idea I will just eat and then go throw it up after.
Me:actually yes please.
Lori: okay sweetie I'll bring it to you guys
Sam: ok let's go in the living room.
Once we get to the living room and sit down and Sammy just looks at me.
Me: what?
Sam: are you okay baby
Me: yea. why?
Sam: I don't know.
Me: okay
Sam then put on spongebob and I just laid on him then Lori came out with our food and as soon as Sam got his he started eating I just looked at mine and had to force myself to eat
Sammy was done with his within ten minutes of having it and it took me more like fifteen. I just finished.
Me: hey baby I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom. Wait here I love you.
Sam: ok baby I love you too.
I walked to the bathroom upstairs because Lori and Sammy were down stairs when I got to the bathroom I got down on my knees and stuck my fingers down my throat and threw up I still felt sick with myself so I did it 3 more times I got up off of the floor brushed my teeth and went back down stairs and sat with Sammy. I didn't see Lori anywhere so I just thought that she went up stairs... ohh shit if she went up stairs she could have heard me.
Me: baby where did your mom go
Sam: oh she said that she wanted to lay down because she didn't feel good. Oh and I talked to her about you living here and she said that is is ok.
Me: really
Sam: yea baby I told you that she loves you. 
Me: oh my god I am so happy right now
Sam just looked at me and smiled.
Sam: me to Mami.
Me: I'm going to go check on your mom and see if she needs anything.
Sam: okay I love you sexy
Me: Love you too daddy
Sam: ughhhh
I walked into Lori's room and she was sitting on her bed watching tv.
Me: hi I just wanted to ask you if you need anything.
Lori: well yes I need to talk to you
I have so many thoughts running through my mind about what she could want to talk to me about and I am so scared right now.
Me: o-okay
Lori: come sit we can talk and watch tv.
Me: okay
Lori: look sweetie I don't want to over step my boundaries or something but as I was walking to my room I heard something in the bathroom and...
Me: oh my god I'm so sorry please don't tell Sam. I said with tears streaming down my face.
Lori: hey hey hey sweetie it's okay I won't tell Sam but I need you to tell me what is going on so I can help you. Don't cry sweetie.
Me: um I-i just don't umm I don't like the way that I look and I can't help but think that Sam is just being like this because he feels bad for me.  I- I really really love your son Lori and I honestly don't know what I would do without him.
Lori: aww come here babygirl. (She pulled me down so that I was laying with her and she was cradling my head.) when I tell you this I want you to listen I can see by the was Sammy looks at you that he is truly in love with you. And that is one of the many reasons that I consider you another daughter even know we just met two hours ago. So please call me mom.
Me: ok mom thank you so much
Lori: your welcome baby now just lay down and you and I can watch movies and Sam can find something else to do today
Me: ok that is a great idea.
Eventually I felt my eyes grow heavy and I fell asleep.
Sammy's pov:
Sidney has been in my moms room for about 15 minutes now so I am going to go check on them. I walk to my moms room and open the door and see my mom watching tv with Sidney laying with her sleeping.
Me: so it looks like you snatched my girlfriend mom. I said jokingly.
Mom: oh Sammy this girl needs her heart fixed.
When my mom said that I walked over to Sidney and carefully sat next to her without waking her up and moved her hair out of her face and she had tears on her cheeks.
Me: what happened momma
Mom: well I can't tell you everything because that is not my business to tell but Sammy she needs you to be there for her
Me: she knows that I am always here for her and that I love her. Right?
Mom: honey she feels like you just feel bad for her those are her exact words.
Me: oh I thought she knew. Mama I honestly don't think that I can live without her I love her so much.
Mom: I know honey.
Sam: mom what started this conversation between you too
Mom: Sammy I can't tell you because I promised her I won't. But think about everything she has told you today and all of the event that happened from when her and I meet.
Well you asked her if she wanted anything to eat and she said no but then said yes after. Then when we got the food she looked at it for like 3 minutes before eating and when she was finished she went to the bathroom. Came out and went to your room. When I told her... wait mom is she. Is she making herself throw up when she eats? And if she is please tell me the truth because I need to know please mama please.
I said with my eyes watering at just the thought.
Mom:Sammy she doesn't have self confidence help her get some because without it nothing will help but just let her sleep for now.
Me: okay thank you mama.  Do you want me to take her into my room?
Mom: No she can sleep in here tonight. I love you son
Me: I love you to mama.  Good night.

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