Chapter 10

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Sammy's POV:
I woke up this morning and I was so happy I don't know why but I am I looked over at the time and it was 11:00. I turned over to Sidney and started to leave kisses on her shoulder.
Sidney: Sammy what are you doing baby.
Me: waking up my beautiful angel. What about you baby?
Sidney: being woken up by my sexy boyfriend.
Me: haha cute baby
Sidney:hey baby I'm sorry about last night.
Me: baby girl don't worry about it. I love you. 
Sidney: I love you to babe.
Me: so are we still going to the beach today?
Sidney: yes we are but I'm not wearing bikini.
Me:why baby.
Sidney: because I don't want people to see my body. I don't like it.
Me: baby I love your body you are beautiful. I don't understand why you don't like it.
Sidney: Sammy I love you for loving me for who I am but I just went through so much that just has it engraved in my brain that I'm nothing but an ugly slut so that is the only thing that I can think about myself.
Me: hey look at me Sidney. I'm serious you are not ugly. Or a slut. And I need you to know this.
Sidney: Sammy I believe you and I will work on it starting today okay. But if j get one wired look.
I cut her off before she could finish.
Me: no one will look at you weird and if they do it's because you are with me when you can have someone better.
Sidney: shut up Sammy you know that yuh are perfect for me.
Me: see now you know how it feels when the person you love puts them self down.
Sidney: yea yea yea let me go get ready I love you.
Me: okay. I love you too babe.
She went into the bathroom to get changed into her bathing suit. After about five minutes she still hasn't came out. So I got up off of my bet and went into the bathroom and she stood there staring at herself in the mirror with a sad look and tears in her eyes. When she noticed me standing there she smiled and tried to act normal.
Me: you are beautiful just the way you are
Sidney: I know I guess I'm just trying for you. Because I love you.
Me: I love you too baby. Okay so put something on over that then we can go.
Sidney: okay babe.
She kissed my cheek and went in the bedroom and got into her drawer and put on

I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her stomach and placed my head in her neck

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I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her stomach and placed my head in her neck.
Me: are you ready baby?
Sidney: yea lets go daddy.
Me: are you trying to kill me.
She just laughed and and went out of the room and down the stairs. Shortly after I went down to. And she was talking to my mom.
Mom: so you guys are going to the beach?
Me: yeah
Mom: okay but Sammy she's pregnant so make sure she stays hydrated and fed okay.
Me: of course momma I love you.
Mom: love you to have fun guys.
I kissed her head and grabbed Sidney's hand and went to the car. I helped her in and got in to. After about five minutes of driving I got bored so I decided to get Sidney back for calling me daddy earlier because she knows that fucks me up. (Warning Smut)
I put my hand on her knee. And she put her hand on my hand. I slowly started to rub her leg going higher and higher each time I was at mid thy when she slapped my hand.
Sidney: Sammy what the fuck are you doing.
Me: what do you mean baby
Sidney: you know what I mean Sam don't play dumb.
Me: no baby girl really I don't
I said as I put my hand to the waistband of her pants.
Sidney: S-Sammy what a-are you doing?
Me: just shh baby relax.
I slowly placed my fingers over her slit and slid one in
Sidney: ohh fuck Sam
Me: this is what you get for teasing me baby
I fastened my pase and she put her head back and moaned. I felt her walls close and I knew she was about to cum.
Sidney: S-Sa-Sam I'm gonna cum.
And that's when I pulled my fingers out. And licked then clean.
Sidney:what the duck Sam I was about to cum.
Me: payback's a bitch huh babe.
Sidney: fuck you Sam I'll just have to finish myself huh.
Sidney's POV:
Sam thought that it was funny to fuck with me but now I can get him back twice as hard. I put one hand on his dick and rubbed him through his pants and put my hand in mine and started to rub myself
Me: oh Sam. Fuck right there. Ohh shit
Sam: shit baby I get it I get it let me please I won't fuck with you anymore.
He then pulled my hand out and licked my fingers clean. Then he slid his hand in and started to thrusting his fingers in me.
Me: shit Sammy in bout to cum please just a little more baby.
I cam on his fingers and he pulled them out and cleaned them off.
(End of smut)
Sam: alright babe we are here. Let's go.
Me: shit baby I should tease you more often. 
Sam: haha funny baby
We walked down to the beach and I laid down on my towel to tan. Sammy stood above me blocking my sun.
Me: Sammy please move
Sam: but baby I want to swim with you.
Me: okay let's go only for a little tho.
I got up off of the ground and laced my hands with his
Me: let's go baby.
He then picked me up and started to run to the water. Just before I thought he was going to drop me in he set me on the ground. I looked up at him and smiled
Sam: you thought I would throw you in
Me: yes haha
Sam: well babe your wrong I would never.
I looked up and kissed him.
Me: I love you so much Sammy.
Sam: I love you to baby.
We went deeper in the water and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my put my hands on the back of his neck.
Sam: baby I was thinking that maybe you and I should go look at some places.
Me: what do you mean baby. By places.
Sam: like places for us to live like our own place.
Me: wait seriously
Sam: yea of course baby girl 
Me: yes. Yes let's do it.
Sam: okay when.
Me: umm what about we start tomorrow?
Sam: yea that's good baby.
Me: oh shit Sammy I don't feel good I think that we need to go home.
Sam: okay baby lets go. What hurts.
Me: my my stomach. Oh shit. Fuck let's go
We rushed to the house and when we got there I went upstairs and went into the bathroom and I was spotting.
he ran into the bathroom worried
Sam: what's wrong
Me: I-I'm spotting I'm not supposed to have my period. Sam I scared for the baby. I said crying
Sam: come on baby lets go to the doctor.

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