The Ultimate Comeback (Pilot)

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Today is my one year anniversary on SU Amino, so that is why this exists now. Also, senior year pretty much starts tomorrow, so yeah. It's going to be just peachy. Without further ado, here's the alternate ending you've never seen.

Caused by a disturbance in the time rift came a giant electric skull with the power of draining the energy of Gems. They were created out of ancient Gem magic a very long time ago for its sole purpose of protecting an hourglass with the capabilities of granting the user the ability to alter time in anyway he or she sees fit.

Thousands of years later, a young boy named Steven has come across this sacred object and used it for its chosen purpose: comebacks. The purpose is rather foolish and unjustified, so it was merely a waste for such an object.

Steven stares at the glowing object as it hovers above his left hand as he supports the weight of Pearl and Amethyst on his arms and shoulders. Garnet leaps out of the way of a lightning strike as Steven questions himself. "Why am I such a buttface?"

Steven snatches the object and brings it up to his face. Steven confronts the object as he attempts to make his ultimate comeback. "I know you are but what if--no, that's not good enough!" The electric skull picks up the fallen big donut that was previously supported on the roof.

It sends it straight into Garnet as Steven stuggles to come up with his comeback. "I-I-I can come up with a better line than that!" Steven squints his eyes shut as sweat pours down his face. "But my butt--clothes!" Steven groans as he opens his eyes just in time to watch the electric skull strike lightning down Garnet.

"Oh that doesn't make any sense!" Garnet clenches her teeth as she shudders from the lightning sparking through her form. "Buttface! Why am I-!" Garnet starts glowing as she struggles to keep her form in tact. "Ah! Garnet!"

Steven's eyes well up as he looks away, squinting his eyes shut once more. "I--I-!" The electric skull continues to shock Garnet as Steven starts to get flustered from his attempts as he squeezes the object in his hand, clenching his teeth.

He opens his eyes once more to look upon two forms starting to retreat from the battle. The electric skull whips itself around to catch Steven being the only remaining asset of the opposition left concious. Steven casts his eyes back up to the electric skull as it tilts its head towards the sky once more.

Garnet's words echo through his head as he listens to the cracking of the lightning. "Why are you such a buttface?" Steven repeats the question as the skull wraps it's hairs around Steven, Amethyst and Pearl. "Why am I such--a buttface?" Steven screams as the lightning starts to spark through his body.

Though his body may he injured however, he still has some strength left to do something. "I-I can't help it!" Steven feels himself getting lifted off the ground as he hears a loud, high pitched voice screaming nearby. "Leave them alone!" Steven pants as the sparking stops for a moment.

"I can't help it! What's your excuse!" Steven opens his eyes--but nothing has changed. "It's too late, Steven!" A softer but distressed voice screams out to him in the distance. Steven could barely make out either of the forms as shifts his eyes to the broken shards and leftover sand of the hourglass in the palm of his left hand.

The electric skull lifts the two figures as Steven gives one final attempt to beat out the creature. He yells as he launches the pieces of the hourglass into the electric skull's mouth. It coughs as it charges the lightning only to convulse and let go of the Gems.

Somehow, the hourglass did recieve Steven's comeback for the electric skull is pulsating more and more from the previous comebacks all combining themselves to form one major comeback. The electric skull shrieks as it finally implodes in an ear-piercing boom.

Steven closes his eyes and his body goes limp as the clouds from the sky diverge from each other to let in the afternoon sunlight. "Steven?" The sound of Garnet's voice causes Steven to regain conciousness. He lays on the couch as he groans from his recent battle with the creature that threatened the Big Donut just across from the temple.

Garnet grins as she stands behind the couch looking down on him. Pearl and Amethyst exactly where they were before on the couch when Steven had presented his song. "You're really gonna sing that during battle?"

Steven raises his eyebrow as he sits up with a grunt. "Wha-!" Steven looks around and he casts his eyes down on his ukulele that has somehow appeared in his hands. "Uh--yeah." Pearl chuckles as Amethyst snickers. "You'll look--like a clown!"

Amethyst bursts out laughing as Garnet counters her. "Hey! Don't make fun of Steven!" Amethyst quits her laughing as Steven stands back up on the couch. "Yeah." Steven narrows his eyes as he folds his arms, smirking. "Yeah, that's right!"

Steven gazes at the warp pad as the Gems gaze at him. "This clown is gonna save your lives. If you think he can't--he'll always--he'll always..." Steven reaches down to his ukulele and starts plucking the strings as he starts up his song once more.

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