A Fusion's Revenge (Gem Heist)

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The Gems are on a mission to retrieve Greg from Pink Diamond's Human Zoo. They are currently pretending to play the roles they were once given before the Gem War. However, one Gem in particular stands in their way.

The ringleader, Holly Blue Agate, is unaware of this. She believes that her clarity, Sapphire, is on her side. Ruby yells as a means of a distraction as Holly Blue talks about the gateway in front of them.

"As a one-way access port, there are no risks of an escape. In fact, it's been only used once for a human-!" Ruby flails her limbs around, startling everyone. "EXPLOSION!" Holly Blue narrows her eyes on her with a stern grimace. "Pardon me?!"

Ruby's face sweats as she tries to explain why she shouted as a cover-up. "Uh...I just remembered that I left the gravity engine...idling! Sorry, my Sapphire, I'm so forgetful and disposable!"

Ruby, Steven and Pearl move their eyes towards the door a few times to signal Sapphire. "A...foreseen turn events. Yes." She turns to Holly Blue. "It's going to overheat and explode. And the damage will be massive." Holly Blue widens her eyes.

"My word! I don't know why anyone trusts Rubies with those ships. This is what happens."
"If we hurry, we can disable the engine before any damage is done. Which should only take five minutes. So everyone, be on your best behavior."

Sapphire lifts up her hair to reveal her one eye and she winks at them. Ruby winks back before Steven and Pearl also get the message as well. The Gems watch Holly Blue escort Sapphire as they walk off towards the lobby.

"This way, your Clarity. Although, I'm sure you don't need my guidance." Ruby finally loses it. Her fatal mistake realized too late. She screams over everything as Holly Blue turns her head, glaring.


"How DARE YOU!" She kicks Ruby away. "How dare you come here to disrespect my Diamond and...WHAT ELSE DID YOU SAY?!" Ruby gulps. Pearl and Steven turn around to see Sapphire, biting her lip. She can't believe that Ruby just blew up in front of Holly Blue like that.

Sapphire knows about Agates and their purposes. They abuse and intimidate other Gems into following their demands. To strike fear into their hearts and make them wish they were never made. Ruby just sentenced herself to an eternity of submission.

Sapphire wants to stop Holly Blue, but she can't stop freezing herself. Steven and Pearl reach for their gems as Holly Blue does the same through clenched teeth. "You will learn to obey the Diamond Authority!" She pulls out a whip sparking with electricity.

Ruby flinches as it cracks on the ground at her feet. Ruby gasps, her jaw dropping. She remembers her now. Holly Blue was her nightmare. It was never just Blue Diamond. Holly Blue always picked on Ruby and beat her down with that same whip despite being from Pink Diamond's court.

Ruby's eyes well up. The dream is over. She was never meant to be free. She was always under the control of Holly Blue. She understands now why she was scared to go back. It was all because of this very moment. She looks from the whip to Holly Blue's face.

She overshadows her short figure with a smug grin, breaking inside. "No one. No one has ever disrespected my Diamond! No one except..." She drops her whip as her jaw drops. "You..." Holly Blue finds herself back on the sky arena, looking upon the rebellion unfolding ahead of her.

She watches Ruby lunge into Sapphire as they glow. They fly past the Court as their bodies change into light, creating a new being to stand before Blue Diamond. Holly Blue gasps and she shakes her head in time to see Garnet standing next to her.

She glares at her as Holly Blue backs away, plugging both sides of her head with her hands. "You can't be...the same Ruby...and Sapphire! S-Same f-fusion! Y-Your C-Clarity?!" Holly Blue doesn't know what to do. Call for help? No. No one wants to help an Agate. Especially her.

Charging footsteps sound as they hit the floor. She hears panting as she turns around. Hope. Hope that someone's coming to her rescue. She will be saved and the fusion will perish. Yes. This must be what that is.

Two Amethysts stand firmly next to Holly Blue. "HOLLY BLUE! WE HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS FOR YOU!" Normally, Holly Blue would shout and scold them for their ignorance. Instead, Holly Blue smirks. "Yes?"

Even though she is hopeful, Holly Blue knows Garnet is still behind her, ready to strike. The energy in her gem beats as her face sweats. The Amethysts appear indifferent to this new sudden change in Holly Blue.
For the very first time in her existence, Holly Blue is...scared.

"Blue Diamond is on her way." Holly Blue smiles for moment, looking down. "Thank you. Go get everyone ready." The Amethysts raise their eyebrows and then shrug before Holly Blue sneaks into one of their ears.

"Go into the lobby and tell her when she arrives that we have traitors. Inform the other guards about this and get them ready." The Amethyst takes this response with a nonchalant attitude as if this generally happens in the facility.

The guard tells her comrade what Holly Blue said and she shrugs before she runs off to carry out the message. The guard dashes to the lobby to wait for her Diamond. As for Holly Blue, she just made her own fatal mistake. By deploying the Amethyst guards, she has left herself vulnerable.

She is now alone to confront the traitors standing before her. She closes her eyes as she reaches for her gem once more. The next moment, Holly Blue feels...nothing. Just nothing. No energy. No feeling. Nothing.

She doesn't open her eyes. She already knows what has happened and now, she must accept her fate. She waits for the cloud to take her away from her existence as she thinks about her Diamond one last time. Her last thought, I'm sorry, my Diamond.

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