chapter 22

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Zayn wakes up to an empty bed.

Confused, he gets out of the bed and walks to the bathroom. "Babe?" No one.

He checks the kitchen, the living room, everywhere, but no sign of Harry.

He decides to text Harry and ask him where he is. So he walks into his bedroom to get his phone, only to find an enevlope on the night stand with his name on it.

Confused, Zayn opens the envelope and starts reading the letter.

Dear Zayn,

This is the final present for your 18th birthday! You're a big boy now, you are of legal age. There is a bank card inside the envelope. Yes, it's for you. It will cover all your college tuitions and living expenses. You can live by yourself now. So I'm leaving. Don't try to find me, yeah? No one will know where I am. You should find someone your own age, I don't deserve you. You are an amazing person. Find yourself a lover, beautiful and delicate like a flower, yeah?

All the love,

"No, no, no, no, no!!!" Zayn screams throwing the letter on the floor, tears running down his face.

He collapses on the floor, crying so hard that he can't breathe properly.

With shaking hands, he grabs his phone and dials Harry's number.

"A-Answer. P-Please, a-answer it!" Zayn growls. When Harry doesn't doesn't pick up, he throws his phone at the wall. "Fuck!"

He doesn't know what to do, he has never felt so helpless and vulnerable. Without Harry, he can't breathe, he can't think, and his world can't function.


It's been two days since Harry left. Past two days, Zayn has been staying in bed, crying. He hasn't eaten and showered in two days. He just feels numb. He sobs on Harry's pillow. It still smells a bit like Harry.

As he is hugging Harry's pillow, he suddenly remembers Anne.

He runs out of the apartment, gets into his car, and drives to Anne's house.

He knocks on the front door repeatedly, until Anne opens the door.

She is shocked to see how miserable Zayn looks.

His eyes are red and swollen, and there are still tear stains on his cheeks.


"A-Anne, Harry is h-here, right? Please tell m-me he's here." Zayn hiccups, voice shaking, tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh, dear! Come in." Anne gasps. She brings Zayn into the living room, and sits him down.

She has never seen Zayn so broken. He has always been a tough boy, he never showed anyone his weakness.

She's heartbroken to see the boy like this.

"I sorry dear, Harry is not here."

Zayn clung to Anne's arms "Y-You must know w-where he i-is, r-right? T-Tell me, p-please Anne!" Zayn is crying out loud now. "I-I can't live without h-him."

Anne sighs "He said not to tell anyone, especially you. But you are lucky, I can't see you like this anymore, boy."

Zayn hugs Anne. "Thanks, thanks Anne!"

After Anne gives him Harry's address, Zayn immediately books a flight to the States.

Yes, Harry moved to the States.


At 2 am, Harry hears loud banging on his door.

It's strange since he moved here just two days before. Who is knocking at the door so early in the morning?

Rubing his eyes, he gets out of the bed.

He opens the door only to see Zayn glaring at him with puffy, red eyes.


"Umm d-do you want to get in a-and have a cup of tea?" Harry nervously asks.

Zayn walks past him, into the apartment and doesn't say a word.

Harry leads Zayn to the kitchen and makes him a cuppa.

He watches Zayn drink tea.

He has missed Zayn ever since he moved to the States. He missed Zayn even more when he realized that he has no one by his side, and Zayn was the only one who was always there for him.

After finishing his tea, Zayn slowly walks towards Harry.

When Harry sees Zayn still glaring at him, he gets scared; Zayn is always so terrifying when he is angry.

Zayn pushes Harry against the wall, hands on either side of Harry's head.

And then he smacks his lips on Harry's. He kisses Harry with so much anger and passion.

Harry gasps, wrapping his hands around Zayn's neck, and kisses him back. He misses Zayn's kisses so fucking much.

Zayn wraps Harry's legs around his waist and deepens the kiss.

When they pull away for breath, Zayn murmurs on his lip "Don't ever leave me again."

Harry nods his head "I won't. I love you."

Zayn gets stiffed, eyes widened with shock. "W-What did you say?!"

"I said I love you, silly." Harry giggles at Zayn's reaction.

"Say it again."


"No!" Zayn groans, "You know what I mean!"

Harry laughs and kisses Zayn's eyes. "I,"

Then his nose. "love,"

And finally his lips "you."

"I love you too, babe."

Zayn smiles and kisses Harry with all his love.

----the end.

A/N: I really really glad my friend Nimisha GypsyHeartGypsySoul offered help to edit this book,making it more complete and readable—made it more easy for the readers to read the book. I appreciate it and I love you sooo much babe 😘❤️🌹

Hope you have a good day everyone

All the love 💚💛

Shrin :)xx

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