chapter 14

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* thank you Nimisha for the editing 😘❤️❤️


The next morning, Harry watches Justin, limping into the kitchen, with a knowing look.

"Had fun last night?" Harry wiggles his eyes brows, making Justin blush. Justin wasn't a virgin, but Zayn was really rough last night.

Zayn rolls his eyes, grabbing a plate and taking a seat.

"Tell me you used a condom, or else." Harry threatened Zayn.

Zayn scowls. "Of course I used condom. Should I ask Louis if he used a condom?"

"Course I used a condom. I'm a responsible man." Louis brings his tea and sits down beside Harry. "So, you are a top?" He smirks at Zayn.

"Oh, come on Lou, I raised him. Zayn can never be a bottom, just like I can never be a top." Harry says matter-of-factly.

"Of course you can never be a top, you're my bottom queen, babe." Louis smirks, nibbling on the side of Harry's neck.

"Lou, there are kids here!" Harry says, pushing Louis off.

"Oh, sorry sons. Your mummy is so shy." Louis chuckles.

"Louis!" Harry scolds, blushing.

"I'm not your son."Zayn hisses, getting up from the chair and pulling Justin with him. "We're going to school."

"But you haven't finished your breakfast!" Harry shouts.

Slamming the door, Zayn stands outside his house, staring at Justin's car with a dumbfounded look in his face. A fucking Porsche, really? This kid is driving a Porsche to high school? He knew that Justin was rich, but he didn't know he was that rich.

" you want to drive it?"

Zayn nods. Of fucking course he wants to drive it! It's not every day that he gets to drive a fucking Porsche to school.


When they arrive at the school, Zayn comes to a conclusion that driving a Porsche is thrilling as fuck.

"Hey, Zayn!" Liam yells from the parking lot, running towards Zayn."Didn't know you two were that close." Liam wiggles his eyebrows.

"We're not that close." Zayn shrugs.

"Mate, you drove his car to school."

"I drive your car to school too." Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Seriously man, are you two hooking up?" Liam questions with a smirk.

"It was just a onetime thing." Zayn walks to the school building.

"I didn't even know you were into men." Liam says, walking beside Zayn.

"Well, at least I know I'm not into Justin." Zayn shrugs.

"Whoa, that's harsh man." Liam shakes his head.

"Whatever." Zayn says nonchalantly.


Hope you have a good day 💚💛

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