chapter 9

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*thank you Nimisha for editing this 😘❤️❤️

"Harry, did I ever tell you I got that tattoo for you?" Zayn is sitting on the couch, playing with Harry's hair as Harry rests his head on Zayn's shoulder. They're watching 'The Ellen Show'.

"What? Really?" Harry pulls away, big green eyes looking at Zayn, with excitement.

Zayn nods his head.

"The lotus?"

Zayn nods again.

"Oh, Zaynie! You are the best!" Harry hugs Zayn tightly, "No one has ever dedicated their tattoo to me. I'm so touched. I don't know what to say."

Two minutes later...

"Why lotus?"

"Because you are as beautiful as a lotus." Zayn shrugs, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, my Gosh!" Harry hugs Zayn again, and then kisses his forehead, "I'm gonna make your favorite food tonight!"


School is boring.

The only class Zayn enjoys is art class. His art teacher is not a bitch like the other teachers.

Right now, he is sitting in the bleachers, waiting for Liam's football practice to be over. He groans, he just wants to go home and spend time with Harry.

He checks his phone; he's got a text from Harry. He grins, but as soon as he opens the text, his smile changes into a scowl.

From Harry: Sorry Zee, I won't be home for dinner tonight. I have a date with Lou. I put some money on the table, order some takeaway. Don't go home late, if you're gonna hangout with your friends. And give me a text, if you decide to sleep over at your friend's house.

Zayn tightens his grip on the phone and glares at the text. Why does everyone want to steal his boy?

"Wow, chill man! What's up?" Liam, having finished his practice and changed into his usual clothes, is now standing in front of Zayn, giving him a puzzled look.

"Nothing." Zayn puts his phone in his pocket. "Anyway, I don't feel like going home now. Maybe we can go to your place and chill?"

"Sure! Justin wants to hang out at my place too." Liam grabs his bag and walks to his car.

Zayn raises his brow, "I didn't know you two were that close."

"He seems like a cool guy, so..." Liam shrugs.

Zayn doesn't say anything. He just gets in the car with Liam.


"Hi." Justin says, walking into Liam's living room, surprised to see Zayn there."I didn't know you were here." To be honest, he is more than happy to see Zayn.

"Hi", Zayn greets back, "Yeah, I wasn't planning to be here, but..." Zayn shrugs his shoulders, "something happened and I was bored, so here I am."

"May I ask what happened?" Did Zayn change his plans because he found out Justin would be here? Justin thinks to himself.

Zayn frowns at Justin's flirty expression; he suddenly feels uncomfortable. He thought, what Harry said about Justin liking him, was a misunderstanding. But now, he isn't so sure.

"No." Zayn answers, not wanting to continue the conversation, and starts playing video games.

"What game are you playing? Can I join you?" Justin abruptly sits beside him.

Zayn is annoyed, he wants to say "No", but just then Liam comes in with chips.

"Oi, started the game without me?" Saying that Liam sits beside them.

"You guys play, I want to smoke." Zayn stands up and walks outside, not wanting to communicate with Justin anymore.

He ignores Justin as much as he can, for the rest of the day.


Hope you have a good day 💛💚

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