chapter 12

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* Thank you Nimisha,my dear friend,for editing this chapter 😘❤️🌹


Today Harry and Zayn are going to have visitors, who are very dear to them.

Harry's mother, Anne; his sister, Gemma, and his beloved 3 year old nephew, Kevin.

Harry is excited. He hasn't seen them in 3 weeks. He surely misses his little Kevin the most. Don't get him wrong, he loves his mother and sister, but Kevin is just too cute.

Yeah, Harry loves kids. He has loved parenting from a very young age.

"Zayn, answer the door. I'm making pudding for my dear Kevin." Harry is busy in the kitchen, when he hears the door bell ring.

"I got it, I got it."

Zayn runs to the front door. He is glad to see Harry all happy and energetic. He knows that Harry love kids. He sometimes wonders what it would feel like to have kids with Harry; it sure would be wonderful, but he thinks he would get a little envious of their kids, since he wants Harry all for himself.

"Hi, Anne! I missed you." Zayn hugs Anne.

"Aww...Zayn, I missed you too. It's been only three weeks but you have grown so much, since the last time I saw you. You are a big boy now." Anne smiles, hugging him back.

"Our little Zaynie boy has become a little man now, hasn't he?" Gemma coos.

"Hello to you too Gem." Zayn scratches his head, and rolls his eyes, while Gemma laughs.

"Isn't this my dearest Kevin boy?" After greeting Anne and Gemma, Zayn carries Kevin and walks into the living room.

"S-stop!! Zee!!"Kevin giggles and struggles in Zayn's hold as he tickles him. But Zayn wasn't having any of it, he continues tickling the little boy.

"No, not unless you say you surrender."

"N-no!" Kevin yells, "Uncle Harry! Zee is tickling me!"

"You little devil!" Zayn whispers feigning indignation "That's cheating!"

"Zayn, what did you do to my little angel?" Harry walks in the living room, with a big smile. "Put him down, and let him give me a big kiss."

Kevin runs towards Harry giggling, and gives him a big sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Where's my kiss?" Zayn pouts, kneeling beside Kevin, and points his cheek.

Kevin grins, and gives Zayn a sloppy kiss too.

"Angel K, I made your favorite pudding!"

"Uncle Hazz is the best!" Kevin squeals, bouncing up and down on the floor. Harry chuckles.

"Hey, mum!" Harry pulls Anne into a big hug.

"What about me? Where is my favorite cupcake?" Gemma asked.

"Umm sorry, who are you?" Harry tilts his head, pretending to be confused.

Gemma gasps dramatically, clenching her fist as if to punch Harry.

"Okay, okay, I was just kidding. Your favorite cupcake is in the kitchen." Harry runs to the kitchen, with a giggling Kevin.


Having finished their dessert, they're now watching a TV show in the living room. Kevin is in Harry's arms.

"Aww...this reminds me of the time Zayn was little. I used to hold him in my arms, just like this. So cute."

Harry smiles, looking at Zayn.

Zayn wants to say that Harry can still hold him if he wants, but instead, he says "I know I'm cute."

Harry snorts, and shakes his head "Cheeky."

"Aww...does my little brother want a baby? How's the guy you told me about over the phone? His name is Louis, right? Are you two going to have babies?" Gemma smirks.

No one notices the somber expression on Zayn's face.

"We're not that serious Gem!" Harry huffs, face turning red.

"Are you blushing?" Gemma teases, smirk never leaving her face.

"Mum, Gemma is picking on me!" Harry pouts, looking at Anne for help.

"Gemma don't tease you brother." Anne scolds and then looks at Harry. "But she's got a point, Harry. You are 28 now, maybe you should settle down, if this Louis guy really is the one for you."

Harry blushes again. "Mum..."

Gemma finally notices Zayn's scowling face.

"Why is our Zaynie boy scowling? Don't you like this Louis guy?" Gemma tilts her head to the side in confusion.

"Of course I like that dwarf." Zayn replies sarcastically.

"Hey, don't be rude!" Harry scolds "And besides I'm taller than you, does that make you a dwarf too?"

Zayn rolls his eyes. "I'm still growing, and I'm much stronger than you."

"I don't know why you're always rude to Lou." Harry murmurs, shaking his head in disapproval.

"I don't know what you see in him." Zayn bites back.

Harry gasps. "I..."

"Okay guys, stop arguing." Anne tries to stop them.

Kevin grabs Harry's hair, making him smile. Harry starts tickling him.

"Is Zaynie boy jealous?" Gemma smirks again, looking into Zayn's eyes.

"Me? No!" Looking flushed, he averts his eyes to the TV.

"Hmm" Gemma doesn't believe him.

Harry is too distracted by Kevin to hear their conversation.


Hope you have a good day 💚💛

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