chapter 4

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❤️ thank you Nimisha for editing this chapter 😘❤️

(17 and 28)

Time has passed. Zayn is in his senior year of high school.

Zayn is leaning against the wall, silently smoking a fag, with Liam. They had skipped their mathematics class. Zayn hates the subject, and it doesn't help that the teacher is a bitch.

Zayn takes a drag on his cigarette. Harry doesn't know that Zayn smokes, or maybe he knows, but he just doesn't have the nerve to ask Zayn to stop. Zayn is as stubborn as Harry; he will always find a way to smoke.

Speaking of Harry, Zayn wonders what Harry is doing right now. Ah, must be working. Duh! He smiles, shaking his head; his Harry must be in the bakery, serving delicious breads in his cute uniform, hair pulled up into a cute bun. Did Zayn mention how beautiful Harry looks, every time he smiles at the customers, showing his dimpled cheeks? Yes, Harry's dimples are definitely a killer. Zayn loves Harry's dimples; he loves Harry's smile, and he loves Harry's precious, soft and pale skin. Harry's soft skin feels like a baby's bum. He remembers, from last night, how Harry's soft skin felt; the feeling still lingers on his fingers. He sneaks into Harry's room every night when Harry is asleep. He admires Harry's sleeping figure, touching his soft skin and kissing him 'good night' on his beautiful face. Call him creepy if you want,he doesn't give a shit. He just is so fucking in love with Harry,Okay?

"Why are you smiling creepily? Like some love struck fool", Liam cocks his eyebrows, "Mate, are you in love or what? Is it the girl, who always talks with you in the English class, or some other chick you haven't told me about?"

Zayn rolls his eyes. "Don't talk bullshit, Li. I'm just thinking about Harry. It's lunch time, let's go to the cafeteria and meet Niall."

They walked in the cafeteria, to find that Niall, seated on their usual spot, has started eating already.

"Oi, you guys are finally here. Where have you been? Don't tell me you were smoking again" When they come closer, Niall scowls. " were smoking again! You smell like shit."

Zayn smacks Niall's head lightly, and sits beside him. Liam follows suit. "Maths sucks" Zayn says, opening his food.

"That's because you always skip it." Niall snorts, eating.

Zayn shrugs. "Actually, I was thinking of skipping the rest of the classes."

Liam puts his sandwich down and asks, "Why?"

"I don't feel like going to class. I want to go home early today." Zayn takes some fries from Niall's plate. "Hey, that's my food!" Niall yells and swats away his hand.

"You guys still going to stay at my place tonight, Right?" Liam asks, biting into his sandwich.

"Of course Li! I want to play FIFA!" Niall shouts

Zayn nods in agreement.


Hope you have a good day 💛💚

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