chapter 6

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* Credit to my dear friend Nimisha ❤️💕💕

"Zayn?" Liam opens the door.  Zayn lookes ghastly, standing at the door. "Why are your hands bleeding? Did you get into a fight?"

Ignoring his questions, Zayn walks past him. "Do you still have some weed left, from Friday's party?"

"Yeah, I do", Liam says nodding his head, "but aren't we playing FIFA? Niall is in the living room."

"No, you play. I will smoke. I'm not in the mood."

"What happened?" Liam is confused. He's never seen Zayn like this; so desperate and lifeless. He is getting a bit worried now.

"Don't feel like talking." Zayn muttered.

"Okay", Liam hesitates, "I'll get you the weed then."


Zayn has been staying at Liam's house, moping, for four days now. Harry is worried. Zayn has never stayed at his friends' house, longer than two days. He has called Zayn's cell, number of times; sent him texts, but Zayn hasn't responded to any of them. Until now, Zayn had never once ignored Harry's calls and texts.

Zayn hears his phone buzz; he's got another text from Harry.

From Harry: Zaynie, are you coming home today? I'll make you favorite dish. XX

Two minutes later, another text pops up.

From Harry: Plz answer the phone, yeah?

Zayn's phone buzzes again. Groaning, Zayn tosses his phone on the couch, and sits on the floor.

"Who is it?" Liam asks, pausing the game, Zayn and him were playing.

"No one." Zayn grumbles, picking up the controller. "Let's play."

Liam gives him a questioning look, but says nothing. They continue playing video games.

Twenty minutes later, Zayn receives yet another text. It is the fifth text from Harry, that day.

From Harry: Zayn Javadd Malik!!! You better get your ass home RIGHT FREAKING NOW! I'm so done with you! I raised you better than this!! Ignoring my calls and texts, huh? Not coming home for four freaking days...Are you freaking out of your mind??? I know it's because of that incident. But we need to talk, yeah? AND I SO MAD AT YOUR BEHAVIOR!!! I CANNOT TOLERATE IT ANY LONGER!!!

Zayn rolls his eyes. Talk about, what? His 'boyfriend'? Zayn thinks to himself, bitterly. He gets up from the floor, sighing. "Oi mates, I think I should go home now. Harry is mad at me, just like some house wife, whose husband doesn't go home for dinner in time."

Hmm...House wife Zayn loves that thought. He is so willing for Harry to be his house wife.

"Okay, take care of your wife then. See you at school." Liam jokes.

Oh man, you know nothing, Liam Payne.

Zayn smirk and winks at him. "Oh, trust me, I will." He flings his jacket over his shoulders. "See you at school." Saying that, he walks out of Liam's house.

Liam smiles, shaking his head, and closes the door.

Tsk tsk. One thing Liam knows for sure is that only Harry can make Zayn's mood swing so fast.


Hope you have a good day 💛💚

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