Chapter Fifty-One

Start from the beginning

"I love you," I blurt like an idiot. "I love you more than you could possible know."

Hazel glances down a little bashfully as her mouth curves into a beautiful smile. She's so damn beautiful, if my bloody heart doesn't beat right out of my chest this instant, it's only because it's called it quits altogether.

"Harry?" she whispers. Hazel's gaze slowly drags up my body to meet mine, quickening my pulse.


"Harry-" she pauses, her eyes latching on to mine. "I feel as if I could love you for forever."

Her words crash into me like a tidal wave. They rush through my chest, filling every nook and cranny of my entire body. I decide right then and there- to hell with decency.

With one hand to keep me steady, I lean in to kiss her. Before our lips meet though, I tell her what I've been thinking for what feels like ages now. 

"Hazel," I murmur. "You're the only girl I'm gonna love in this life of mine. I swear it."

Throwing her arms around me, she whimpers, "Oh, my darling-"

I cut her off as I capture her mouth with mine. Slow and steady, our mouths move in perfect synchrony, flooding my body with a dangerously exquisite ache. A low moan escapes my lungs as she sends me close to the edge. Hazel's mouth opens as she gasps at my pleasure and without thinking, I sweep my tongue across her bottom lip and catch the tip of her tongue. The new contact sends us both into overdrive as begin kissing deeper than we've ever before.

It's wild and intoxicating and I never want to stop. Hazel seems to feel the same way as her hands roam up my back, tugging me towards her. I damn near lose my mind though when she cautiously moves her legs, widening them for me to lie between her hips. I shudder as goosebumps race up and down my arms. The thought of feeling her- all of her, suddenly bursts into the front of my mind. But instead of pushing the thought out of my head like I should, I don't fight it. 

My fingers dig into her thigh, fisting the extra fabric of her pajama pants. I covet her body like never before, my bones longing to feel the parts of her that are only meant for a husband. I try my hardest to keep my wits about me, but as I kiss her deeply, she arcs her back ever so slightly, pressing herself against in the most perfectly unwholesome manner. This is all too much and yet, entirely not enough.

"Oh god," I breathe out, "My sweetheart, my angel."

"Harry," she breathes out. 

I slowly leave a trail of kisses down her neck as my hands grow bolder, daring to travel up from her thigh to just beneath the hem of her shirt. Hazel pants as I nip at her collarbone and my fingers fan across the smooth skin of her stomach. I cautiously move my hand further up her ribs, each inch of skin covered sending me further and further into welcomed damnation. 

Suddenly, Hazel's takes hold of my hand, pushing it up so that I rest firmly on her chest. A far too great pressure grows below my waist. Hazel's eyes flutter open, clearly feeling my sin against her. Guilt and dread come barreling through my mind.

I scramble backwards as fast as I can while Hazel slowly props herself up on her elbows. 

"Harry, wait-"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I stutter, my senses flying back to me as my brain function as about as fast as molasses.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" she begins.

Suddenly, the Grandfather clock in the hallway chimes, shocking my already fragile nerves. My whole body flinches and before I can understand what's happening, I tumble right off of the couch and on to the floor.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now