Quick ch.42

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While we were stuck on that cold attic, I've made myself a little weapon made of wood and broken staples. The weapon was not enough to kill a person, but it was definitely enough to make them bleed. In a fast motion, I cut Nike's cheek, leaving a large gash on his handsome wicked face.

What the hell to do next?...

I didn't exactly think that far, I didn't even know my little plan would work. Nike tapped his injured cheek before looking at me with deadly eyes... eyes I have not seen since I were young. His movements were fast as well, my body was forced into the brick wall beside me, my cheek felt like it was hit by a bowling ball; I felt twice as weak.

"Enough, don't hurt her." Those four words has probably saved my life that day, the vulture has advantage over me- leverage for her sick game.


I was back in my cell, laying in the bed after eating a small meal. Davina was no where in sight, as Nike carried me into this prison, Hollie dragged the poor little girl out the house to god knows where. I hope she's okay....

The door knob jiggled before Nike walked in, he tended to his gash, obviously still angry from my actions. The vulture stepped in as well, instead of wear high heel shoes and expensive clothing; the old hag held a cane in her hand, clothes baggy and hair frail. Weak, vulnerable... dying...

"Come on," Her voice was low, calm. She leaned onto the cane for support while watching me slide out of bed and walk towards her direction. Nike grabbed me by the arm ever so roughly, even though I did not have the energy to run nor make anymore attacks.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, that's at least what I can do; especially after what they put me through.

Ginger did not comment, she walked out the room, Nike pulled me along.. The halls were quiet, like always, slightly cold, but that's mainly because I was barefoot on polished hardwood floors. She lead us downstairs towards the entry, the door was opened, both of them. A few crates were set up by the walls, opened and ready to be packed. I panicked, only for a second, the crates weren't big enough for human beings to just sit in and they were filled with newspapers; which means she's going to ship some fragile antics from the house.

Nike did not drag me outside, Ginger stood in the middle of the entrance, her back towards us and head held low. "Apparently my daughter has taken matters in her own hands,"

I panicked once more, whatever she was going to do isn't good. Testing my theory, Ginger turned around with a small pistol in her hands; apparently Nike did not know of her plan, being that he went tense. "This wasn't part of the plan," he said in a low tone.

"I know, but I'm not getting caught for this." She took the safety off and raised it to shoulder level. Being the man he is, Nike used me as his human shield. That fucking bastard...

Everything went silent, I went tense and stuck. Ginger pulled the trigger, a small spark filled my vision, a sharp sound made my ear hurt and heart skip a beat, the feeling of warm thick liquid splattered on my face, and soon the large body behind me feel onto the hardwood.

Ginger lowered the gun and took a deep breath, "He was getting in my way. Hollie and Davina already left for the airport, we are gonna take a trip."

I squeezed my eyes shut and took a few steps forward so my feet was not in the blood. I was so close to throwing, but I kept it all in; I didn't need my bodily fluids at the crime scene. She tucked the pistol away before clearing her throat, "Shall we?"


This time they did not knock me out, since Ginger killed Nike; they've lost their muscle. Apparently Ginger had a private jet and enough money to bribe the workers. I sat in the comfortable chair, still barefooted and practically cold. "Can I at least get a blanket?" I asked after shivering from the odd draft.

Ginger fiddled with her cane, not bothering to acknowledge me. I slowly rolled my eyes and looked out the window, nothing but clouds and blue skies. I tapped my fingers along the tan leather, to mainly occupy my mind. I was still shaken up from the killing, Nike was an ass but he didn't deserve to die; jail time- yes, death- no.

"How much are you going for? A million? Two?"

"She stopped paying."

"Excuse me?" Okay, I shocked... What does she mean Violet stopped paying?...

"No more money coming in. Apparently my daughter doesn't give a shit about you and maybe found someone else to warm her bed." Ginger chuckled wickedly.

I took a deep breath to keep her words from hitting me the wrong way, it's not true. Violet loves me and after this we're gonna get married, be happy and travel the world. Fuck Ginger and her lies.. "Go fuck yourself. You bitter, evil woman, I hope you rot in jail you witch! You miserable old hag, I don't know how and why V put up with you." I stormed into the bathroom and then cried.

The plane landed a few hours later, instead of a black truck that'll take us to another abandoned estate; Hollie was at the exit with her Cadillac. "What? No VIP escort?" I asked while following Ginger towards the classic car, mind you I'm still barefooted.

"Just get in the same car," She said bitterly.

Okay, so I got in the car willingly- which I regretted from the long hours of driving in silence. However it was all worth it when we arrived to a large field, a black Lincoln parked in the middle. The drivers door opened, my eyes suddenly went wide, heart pounded in my chest; I almost dived out the car from the sight of my Suadela.

Actually, I ran out the car as soon as Hollie put it in park. Barefooted and still cold, I ran across the field and into Violet's arms. She hugged me tight, I could of sworn she lifted me off the ground and twirled me; but it could all be in my imagination.

I pulled away to look into her sugar gray eyes, I touched the tips of her short brown hair, kissed her warm pink cheeks, and then indulged myself in her plump lips. "Oh my god, I'm so happy to see you."

Violet kissed me once more before reaching into the truck to take out one of her wool coats. She placed it on my shoulders and gave me another kiss, "I love you so much."

"I'm sorry to break all this reunion shit up, but where's our money?" Hollie slammed the door shit, Ginger stayed in the car.

Violet soon took out a metal briefcase and practically threw it at her. "I hope you choke on it." Oh god... That voice of hers. I've never been so wet... "Let's go."

She didn't have to tell me twice, I was already in the passenger seat buckling myself in. I relaxed into my seat and looked up at the tan ceiling, "Even though I never been religious, you still looked after me."

"You ready to go home?" Violet slammed the door before starting the car.

"Yes, oh god yes."

Not much but I had to put a chapter out there. Also I'm trying to end the story before I get caught up with school...

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