Quick ch.13

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I could have never felt so much pain nor be in so much agony when I sat up from the antic couch I apparently slept on last night. My back was stiff, as well as my neck, my legs numb, jaw loose and fingers clamped. The sun blinded me, the air crisp and cold and my body shivered from the lack of warmth.

The cold crisp air did not wake me up, nor was the ache in my back. A very loud commotion in the next room was what woke me up, screaming in several different languages and loud crashing. Well there was only one crash, but that still worried me. I cracked my back before making my way into the media room where Irvine and James were going at it; yelling back and forth.

"... Have you no mind?! You ruined everything!" James yelled out, face red with anger.

Irvine, for the very first time, was showing her anger. Face red, eyes swelling with tears as she yelled back. "I said control your sister a very long time ago, James."

"She's a little girl-"

"Susan is a grown woman sleeping with a grown man, she knows damn well what she's doing." She pointed out.

I stepped in before things get heated between them, it's as if they wanted to kill each other but something in them was holding them back. "Guys," Their anger was now pin pointing on me, I wanted to crawl away to a corner and hide from their harsh eyes. "Listen, I never wanted your relationship to get all scrambled. Irvine maybe if you can-"

"Hell no!" Irvine yelled out once more. "I'm not doing anything, Susan needs to know her place."

"She will learn her place by me, take down the report Irvine. Now!"

Irvine did not take likely to demands, not even her own father gives those type of demands; maybe a stern look or a few threats, but nothing like that.

Irvine cocked an eyebrow at him, arms crossed in front of her chest and stance now slanted. "Who the fuck are you talking to?"

James stepped forward, hands balled into fist, eyes slanted. I definitely stepped in between them, leaving space so James nor Irvine decide to throw a punch; if they do then I would be stuck in the crossfire. Luckily neither one of them had that idea. "Enough! Both of you. James you should go," I advice while nudging him away.

"Yeah leave to your slutty sister," Irvine always had to get the last laugh, but not this time.

"Shut up Irvine," I spat while turning to her, still holding James back from choking off.

Irvine lips went thin, still pissed and irritated. James on the other had was just pissed and did not want to leave until his family name was done being dragged through the ground. "Tell that witch to stop, then I'll leave."

"You'll be here for a pretty long time, een stuk kak!" She yelled out in Dutch, one of the difficult languages Irvine is fluent in.

"What is going on here?" Rebecca finally stepped in, purse in hand, jacket on and a tired look upon her face. I felt guilty for her to walk into this drama, especially after dealing with her teenage sons.

"James here is being a bitch," Irvine said with a cocky smile, the same cocky smile Susan had in her face yesterday.

"Irvine is a evil witch," James spat back, obviously trying to hold his composure.

Rebecca huffed while setting her stuff down, "You two obviously need some time to yourselves. Irvine go upstairs to your room, James its best for you to leave and cool off."


"Now! Or I will get the belt." Rebecca stomped her foot while she gave us a stern look. I never seen them move so fast, James dashed out the house while Irvine stormed upstairs to her room. I stood there confused, amazed and guilty.

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