Quick ch.7

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The blank canvas stared back at me like haunting eyes, teasing, taunting and cursing. I sighed in defeat while setting my paint brush down, and wiping the sweat off my hands. My mind was still back at home; wondering about its parents. When Mike told me about our parents late night conversations, my heart dropped to my knees. You can say I'm like a child finding out their pet hamster just died; heartbroken and confused.

The assignment Violet gave us was no help... Describe pain and love... I didn't know if it was an coincidence or a sign from the almighty, either way it was tough. Love and pain did not hold much difference- both hurts you, you can't live without one or the other, and you can learn a huge lesson from them. It's just pain is easier to take in than love. Love is more deadly than pain because once you find that someone, you'll do anything for them- even if that something would affect you terribly.

I never been in love like the girls in movies or women all around me. I would mostly feel that rush of lust, not that love everyone is dying for. I picture love from what my parents show me, since my dad had a rough past and my mother's family didn't approve of them; they stayed together no matter what. A idea popped into my head, my canvas was no longer blank- it was covered in lines and color.


"Wow," Maxwell stood behind me as he examined the canvas in front of us. I painted a black couple, sitting and smiling at the mirror, but the mirror was cracked with blood and tears splattered on it. "That's intense."

I sighed heavily before setting my paint brush down. "Yeah," I agreed shyly before standing up to stretch. Maxwell stood with his canvas in hand, he was on his way to turn his artwork in; but stopped by to see how I was doing. His artwork consist of two men sitting on a beach as a war was playing out around them: Love&War.. Maxwell called his piece.

"What are you calling it?" Maxwell asked, brows raised in question and curiosity.

I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what I should call this. I usually don't name my artwork because..well I don't get too attached to them. I usually do artwork out of emotion- sadness/depression, happiness/joy, anger/disappointed. This was sadness, joy and disappointment all in one. "Reflection," the word was the first thing that popped into my head.

Maxwell nods his head in approval, "I like it."

"Thanks," I said shyly. "Did you see Justice's yet?"

Maxwell shook his head while slowly rolling his eyes, "He doesn't like to be bothered, so he keeps his door locked and blast his rock music. Gosh I hate his taste of music."

I shook my head in amusement. Funny how those two are so different but have a good relationship. I guess ice and fire does fit when out together, it does make steam. Gosh that sounds really corny... I scowled myself on the inside for such soft behavior.

Maxwell set his artwork by the chair so it can lean on it. "Wanna get something to eat?"

I have Maxwell an apologetic smile before saying, "Actually Marcus is going to take me to Beach fest in a little bit."

"Marcus? Beach fest?" Maxwell questioned as if the two was abnormal together. Does everyone know Marcus as a plain guy? I mean everyone knew each other for two weeks, unless they all have a past, in which I'm truly convinced they do. "Okay," he shrugged his shoulders, pushing the odd idea to the side. "Well I'm going to try to bother Irvine or Christina."

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