Quick ch.5

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I've done the impossible... I've stayed in the studio all night, pondering over what I'm going to draw for this assignment: an assignment to make your own superhero. I could think of anything, until the clock strike seven and an idea suddenly popped up in my head. In that hero I made my artwork and send to Violet's office. Luckily she wasn't there to see the bags under my eyes, hair flat, skin slightly pale from the lack of sleep.

I blew raspberries before wiping my face with a wet paper towel to wake myself up. "Gosh, you look like shit." A woman with slightly tan skin, long raven hair and a small smirk upon her face. She does not look like one of the participants in the programs, because of her outfit that spills out confidence. "Long night?" She stood beside me to watch her hands.

"Kinda," I wiped my face dry before rolling my shoulders to get the tension out.

The woman turned off the faucet, fluffed up her hair and sighed deeply before giving me her full attention. "You should always keep a night bag, it'll help when your sleeping in your office or have a one night stand."

"Okay," I simply said because I had nothing to say. She was catching me off guard, my brain was still on sleep mode and my nervous system is reacting very slowly.

Of course this woman does not understand boundaries when she fluffed my hair out and pinched my cheeks so it could gain color. "There, that's slightly better. Names Isabel by the way."

"Kaxity. Thanks." I plainly.

"No problem. Have a nice day." She looked at herself once again before exiting out the bathroom- pride in her step, twirl in her hips and chin held high.

I exit out the bathroom to only walk back inside when I saw Diana; face red, eyes slanted, hands clenched into fist. Irvine once again did not show up for work, her and James had a long night- when I say long night, I mean all night fucking. I couldn't let her corner me, especially when my mind is not here on this earth. I pulled out my phone to give Irvine a warning that Diana is on a rampage.

Taking a deep breath, I poked my head out to see if Diana was still in the hall. Being that she is not in the hall being a raging bull, I walked out of the bathroom and speed walked into my room. Unfortunately I was not fast enough, Diana spotted me when she turned the corner into the hall.

"Kaxity!?" She head for me, nose flared, eyes bulging and hands clenched. "Where's Irvine? She's missed work for two days straight." She pointed out.

"Uh," I was stuck- trapped between a wall and angry lion. "I-I don't know."

"Bull!" Diana said louder than it was attended. "Tell your friend if she misses another day, she's fired." With that Diana left with a cloud of smoke behind her.

I could breath easily or don't breath at all since morning breath burned my own nostrils. "Jesus." I mumbled while stepping inside my room.


I laid upon my bed, taking in the fresh scent of flowers and detergent, snuggling in the sheets while trying to fall asleep. In which I did, until Irvine walked into my room with shopping bags in her hands, sunglasses upon her eyes, and her cute sundress that I brought for her birthday. I sat up to prepare myself for the conversation she'll toss my way.

"James went shopping with me and brought everything I picked out. It's so great." Irvine basically dumped everything at the end of my bed.

I stared at her blankly because my brain was still cloudy, "Listen Irvine-"

"Look, I brought a dress for you." She pulled out a blue sundress that was definitely cute and would distract me from a serious conversation. However it would not be today. "Irvine, you need to go to work. Diana basically ran me down like a bull because you never showed up this morning."

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