Quick ch.32

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Walking down the hall of my mother's community center, I held worry on my face that I try to push down. Yesterday, Violet was not acting like herself; she tried to hide from me all last night, making any other conversation that doesn't involve her, except for the good knows of her being part of the company when Bethany take over. However, over then that everything seemed off.

I walked into the daycare center to see it was not yet filled with toddlers. It's been awhile since I walked in her, more like two months to be exact. I missed it; I missed watching over the children, playing games, helping them learn and helping the parents. If my art career did not go so well, I would of ran my own daycare- that's how much I cared.

"Kaxity!" Hollie stopped in the middle of the room to gawk as I stood in the entrance. "I thought you would never come back."

"Yeah, mom needed extra hands. Saying Marie could not come in today." I said while walking further into the room, I set my purse down behind the desk before running my hands through my curly hair. "How's it going Hollie? What did I miss?"

She flipped her long hair off her shoulders after setting up the small tables. "Well, we have two new comers and a new policy."


"Yeah, we can't teach the kids anymore. Apparently we have to have a special degree to do that, a parent snitched on us- some Wall Street woman." Hollie huffed while striding towards me.

"What are we supposed to do then? Have them run around with a finger up their ass?" I scoffed while shaking my head.

"Sorry Kax, I know how special it is to you to teach them. Your mother said we can use the library at anytime we want, have the kids pick out books and replace the class time into reading time." Hollie explained with a light smile. She placed both hands on my shoulders before pulling me into a tender hug, o awkwardly hugged back- luckily it didn't last. "I'm so glad you're back."

"Yeah, me too." I said plainly before forcing a smile upon my face as soon as I saw a child running into the room, her father behind her.


Now that the child left, Hollie and I cleaned up the room in brief silence; the sound of kids yelling and throwing tantrums can take a toll on a person. I was wiping down the colorful plastic tables when Hollie caught my attention.

"I wanted to give you this earlier today, but with everyone coming in... here." She held out a rectangular paper, an invitation or some club. "It's tonight, I know it's last minute but I really hope you come. Poke your head in maybe."

I hesitated before grabbing the invitation and examining it. "Cœur nightclub. That new place in Brooklyn, isn't it a warehouse?"

"Well it's placed in a warehouse. It's really fun, ladies get in free before midnight- you and your fiancé should come." Hollie nudged my arm, encouraging me by doing a small dance.

"Okay, we'll pop in. Violet needed some fun anyway, there's a lot going on."


I threw the wet wipe in the trash before walking towards the desk to grab my purse. "Just stuff, nothing major but nothing minor either. Don't worry, we'll stop by. I should go, I have a meeting to get to."

"A meeting?" Hollie questioned. "At four in the afternoon."

"It's a pretty important meeting. Bye, see you tonight." I sent her a small wave before walking out the room.

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