Quick ch.36 (Red Fox)

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It's been three weeks since Barcelona and it feels like just yesterday when I ended things with James. It wasn't as pretty of a breakup I wanted; a lot of yelling and cursing from both sides of the party, I'll save you the crucial details. At the moment I didn't feel so good, it's mostly pain and my head is killing me; but other than that, I'm keeping a smile on my face- for my best friend.

I sat behind my office desk, being a secretary for an ass- I can deal with- being a secretary for a pervert and ass. Being that I'm the youngest woman in the department, I'm an easy target, unfortunately.

Speaking of the pervert, he stepped out of his office; a cocky smile, fuck boy attitude, and the my-father-owns-the-company persona. He stood beside in front of my desk, leaned over so his face were only two inches away from mine. "Irvine. Did Charles call?"

"No, Mister Truce. However your sister called."

He sighed heavily, the smell of coffee on his breath made me cringe. "Amber always try to call me. When Charles call, send it to my phone immediately."

"Okay sir." I looked down at my computer to check the company emails, but Truce was still there, leaning over my desk. "Anything else sir?"

"There's something different about you, I just can't put my finger on it." He tapped his stubble chin.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know either, sir."

Truce hummed before standing to his full height, "The office is going out for drinks, you should come."

When he says office, he means him and I. It was a classic move to be alone with a person, I'm not falling for it. It's not like Truce is a bad looking guy, I'll use him as a one night stand any day; but he's my boss and I'm not over James.

"Um. I actually have plans tonight, so I can't come. But I'm flattered for the invite, though."

Truce sighed heavily before tapping his fingers on the edge of the desk. "Okay. Well, yeah." He walked back into his office and closed the door behind him.

"He's still trying." I may be the youngest, but I'm sure ain't the sexist person in this office. Lindy holds the torch, with her hazel eyes, beach curl blond hair, hour glass frame and long legs, her skin was olive and smooth; from what she told me, Lindy comes from a long line of Greeks. At the age of thirty-five, she doesn't look over twenty.

I tucked a lock of my hair out of my face before saying: "When does he stop." I chuckled.

"Where have you been? It's been forever since we've seen you,"

"Oh, I took a little vacation- to clear my mind."

"Vacation. No wonder you have a glow. So I'm just going to come out and ask: Do you think you can babysit for me? I've called everyone I know and they all seem so busy. Not saying that you may not be busy, but you're the last person I know and trust enough to be around my son."

Kids and I aren't friends exactly; it's the fact that we don't like each other. I like kids, more like infants because they're so adorable. Besides, I owed Lindy for throwing this job my way... "Okay, I'll babysit."

She clapped her hands before jumping up and down. "Great. Monte would be so thrilled, he always liked you. See you at eight, you already know my address."

I nod my head while listening to her squeal on excitement. It's kinda funny to see a woman I knew for my adolescent life squeal and jump around like a teenage, Lindy was always the one to not act her age; it runs in her family. Her younger brother and I use to fuck on the daily bases when we were teenagers, that's how Lindy and I met.

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