Quick ch.38 (Suadela)

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Reaching out next to me, I was hoping to come in contact with warm, soft mocha skin; instead I received cold wrinkled covers. Sitting up, I sniffed the air for a delicious smell of bacon and eggs; but I smelt nothing but the lavender scent of my air freshener. I didn't see the light in the bathroom on nor did I hear the shower nor any other water pipe.

"Kaxity!" I yelled out and waited, but did not receive an answer or sound from the lovely woman. So I called out again, still did not get a response.

I threw on shorts and a shirt in my dresser, before picking up my phone and calling Aphrodite- surly she has a good explanation of leaving. The phone ringed twice before the sound of vibration echoed off the wall. Walking towards the dresser on her side of the bed, Kaxity phone was being charged.

"So you left the apartment and your phone." I huffed while ending the call and picking up her phone to see unanswered messages from last night. With both phones in my hand, I walked downstairs into the living room to see her purse on the couch.

That's when I started to panic, I went through Kaxity's contacts and called Irvine; maybe she stopped by there or something. "Kaxity, its eight in the morning. Someone better be dying or dead." Irvine answered on the third ring in her raspy morning voice.

"Irvine, it's me,"

"Violet? Why are you calling from Kaxity's phone? Where's Kax?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you. She's not in the apartment and she left her phone and purse, I have no idea where she is."

"Is her wallet and keys still there?"

I looked through her purse to see neither, "No, they're gone."

"Okay, maybe she went for a walk; she does that sometimes, especially when she has a bad dream. Leave a note and she'll call back." Irvine stated.

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem. She'll show up, I'm sure." She ended the call with a yawn. I blew raspberries before taking a deep breath to start my day, officially.


I sat in my small office, looking over some paper work and signing off deals I looked over a while ago. I eyed my phone from time to time to see if Kaxity called or even texted, but nothing but a blank screen. However my patience were wearing thin, I called Kaxity and out the call on speaker phone.

The phone ringed five times before it went straight to voicemail. "This is Kaxity, I can't come to the phone right now; so leave me a message and I'll call back."

I huffed while rubbing my eyes, "You pick up the phone the other times, but not today."

"Woman problems?" Bethany walked into my office, arms crossed, expensive purse hanging from her arm, hair in a tight bun as she wore her business clothing.

I tossed my phone to the side while biting the bottom of my lip to keep myself from cursing. "How may I help you, Bethany?"

She stood in front of my desk, her brows cocked and lips in a pout. "I need your connections to get me an exclusive VIP tickets in the Boston's fashion show. A future business partner will be there, I can convince her to take part in our company. Besides I want to go to the show."

"No." I said dryly while going through the stack of papers. "I've been looking through the company's account and I found it odd that we use more money on outside events than I own productions, so I am going to cut down on spending company's money on fashion shows, restaurants, movie premieres and any other events that those not relate what we're doing here; starting now. Bring the future business partner in by making a meeting; a professional one."

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