Quick ch.42

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Cold...Hungry...Stiff...and scared, it was all a nightmare. Davina and I were still in the attic, it's been a day; we were starving and dehydrated. The floor boards made our skin itch, mostly caused by the dust, cobwebs, and old wood.

Like the wood, my bones creaked from my suddenly slow movements. I cracked my neck once, twice before standing on my weak legs. Davina stirred in her sleep but did not wake. I looked out the small circular window, like any other day in this horror house; it was cold, foggy, the land isolated, and the road is no where in sight.

"Where are they? You idiot!?" It wasn't the cold, hardwood floor that was sticking at my skin that woke me up; it was the sound of a screeching vulture downstairs.

"There in the attic," Nike said, his voice and footsteps becoming louder and louder as he comes closer to our only exit/entrance. The door knob jiggled from her harsh hold, twisted from side to side as he tested the hard oak door that stood in his way.

Davina was now awake and aware of the whole situation, the door was not gonna last. Nike did not look like a buff man to tear down a door of such great mass, but with the proper tools he could of collected during the night, he could have this door open in no time. She stood by my side, hiding behind my body out of fear and protection. I gulped down the dry fear to keep myself from screaming, or crying; I doubt I have anymore of that in me.

Nike stopped testing out the knob, the vulture stopped speaking, everything went dead silent for a few moments. My heart quickened, palms sweaty, legs weak, and stomach empty; I feel slightly broken, weak. I was dizzy, my head felt like it were hit upside the head with a metal bat, my chest hurt from the dust we were breathing in overnight, and my back was sore. I haven't felt this way since...well never, not even in the foster home; even they have the decency to give me some form of respect and not kidnap me.

There were a huge thump on the door, the more he hit the door, the louder the thump gets. Sooner than later, the door flew towards the other side of the room. Davina clenched onto me with dear life, we were trapped between a hard place and a rock; Nike's rage being the rock.

In two strides, Nike grabbed me by the arms and effortlessly threw me over his buff shoulders. A girl like myself would of been flattered by such movements, but he was the psycho kidnapper that could kill me at any second. Hollie was right behind him, tugging her niece along with such anger and strength.

"I told you not to leave them alone, you idiots!" The vulture yelled, her face red from anger and frustration.

"How about you shut the hell up for once?" It seems to me that Nike had enough of her badgering, on the inside I smiled. From the vulture screeching and he two idiot's faces; they were tearing apart as a unit. Even though you have a sick thing in common with another, that doesn't mean you'll get along with that person. Maybe something is wrong with the money exchange, Violet must if put her foot down.

"Come on you brat!" Hollie practically dragged Davina down the stairs, any second she'll do the worse by throwing her down the stairs. Shit!... The evil bitch raised her hand to strike, at first it was a warning, but then it became an action. A loud and harsh smack filled the silence, other than the old hag's bickering. Davina soft cheek was red, she stopped squirming under her aunt's hold.

I couldn't stay quiet, it's one thing to hurt me: an adult who's use to suck pain, but a child?... That's taking it too far, they're miles from the crossing line. "What the fuck is wrong with you people?!" I yelled out with squirming under Nike's tight grasp. I pound on his back, giving all my strength on making him feel pain, my feet were in the mix as well, hitting his lower abdomen until he has no other choice but to put me down. In which he did.

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