Quick ch.14

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The morphine has soon worn off, Irvine was in need of another dose. Her skin pale as a ghost, hair a mess, dark circles were around her eyes and a small smile upon her face. I knew she was trying put herself off as being fine, but I knew she was in pain- physically and mentally. She held onto the stuff bunny for dear life as if it would disappear any second now. As soon as she woke up, I told her James stopped by and gave her a gift. That only made Irvine even sadder than before.

"Do you think he'll visit today?" Irvine asked with concern written all over her face. I never seen her so down, it pained me. Whatever happened between her and James during these past two weeks, must of been magical for her to be feeling this way.

I bite the bottom of my lip as I thought of something, but my silence told it all. There wasn't a possibility James would visit, since Susan is already in the news and her reputation being in deeper shit than it was before- the Winters would be so far away from Irvine, they couldn't risk a lawsuit or other things along the line. However I'm afraid their distance would not matter once her parents shows up.

The Skagård our fierce people. You would think Irvine is bad and vicious, but once you see her parents you'll run for cover. Irvine's father is a big time Swedish business who came to America when Irvine was seven, rumors had it that he was involved with the Russian or Italian mafia- maybe both. He had connections that can get their family out of things and ruin other people's lives. People that wasn't family would consider him as the devil, but he was just a rich guy in a business suit.

Irvine's mother is much nicer, but she would still put a bitch down if they cross the line- it doesn't matter if your a supermodel or a the Queen of England, she'll still ruin you. The devils wife; people would label her as in different languages- but she was just a woman with a backbone.

Speaking of the devils. Mister and Misses Skagård burst into the large hospital room with concern written all over their pale faces.

"Kära Gud, vad hände." Irvine's mother- Linnea Skargård- ran to her daughter's bed before caressing her pale and colorless cheeks. "Vi såg nyheterna på väg in, ditt namn poppade upp..." Apparently she could not finish her sentence, her last hue of pink was sucked out of her cheeks as well.

Irvine father- Oscar Skagård- stood on the other side of Irvine's bed; hands in his pants pocket, face stern and eyes slanted with anger. He was not the type to share emotion, unlike his wife- he kept everything to himself. "Are you alright?" He said, a hint of anger coating his voice making his Swedish accent thick and hard to understand.

Irvine nod her head yes, "Det var en olycka, jag mår bra nu bara öm och dom. Kaxity räddade mig, hon pressade tjejen ner innan kula kunde slå några vitala organ."

Suddenly their green eyes were on me, I never felt so small and vulnerable in a day of my life. Linnea turned to me and unexpectedly gave me a bone crushing hug, "I knew you'll do good for this family some day." She said while giving me one last squeeze before pulling away. Her eyes swelled with tears and emotion.

Oscar gave me a simple nod in acknowledgment, of course him not being an emotional guy and like everything locked up in a box. "Thank you."

Irvine's parents did not favor me the first two years since Irvine and I been friends. They were skeptical of me since I come from a odd background and do not have any criminal records. Since they come from a long line of money and enemies, it was usual for them to keep caution of me being around their only child. Then the two years past,  after some convincing and pop ups; the Skagård's saw me as their own daughter in some way.

Oscar cut his down to his daughter that was in need of morphine and rest, but Irvine was trying to fight her pain away in front of her parents. She always hide her pain and emotions away, especially in front of her parents. They also come from a long natural bred of soldiers that won wars and fought, and since Oscar was an emotionless man- Irvine tries her best to be just that, emotionless. "Hur är den här tjejen som sköt dig?"

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