Quick ch.19

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Stepping into the apartment, the stench of liquor and burnt toast filled my nose. I ease in to look around, nothing out of the ordinary except for the smell. Boxes still occupied the floor; some empty, others full. However there were no red hair, pale, models like female around- I didn't hear her voice nor smell her perfume. Only liquor and burnt toast.

"Irvine!" I yelled out her name, however there was no answer- not even a groan in agony. "If your dead, I'm taking your red bottoms." I sly smirk spread across my face when I mentioned her favorite and lucky shoes.

"You won't take shit!" Like a zombie in the ground, Irvine rose from the couch, hair a mess, makeup smudged, and eyes dull and red. "What are you doing here?"

I walked around the couch to see she was half naked, with only a bra and underwear on. "It is my apartment too. What the hell happened? I know you drink but not this much. Why do I smell burnt toast?"

Irvine groaned while standing to her feet, she wrapped the thin blanket around her body and picked up a half empty beer bottle. Which is odd because Irvine is not the beer drinking type. She finished it off and set it on the coffee table. "What?! It's the only drink that I could get on such late hours with ten bucks."

"How the hell did you get drunk off of two packs of beer? I mean, you're not a light weight. Like myself." I mumbled while picking up empty bottles from the floor.

"I finished the Grey Goose I had left in the cabinet," She said sluggishly while walking past me to go upstairs. "If you need me, I'll be in the shower." She walked up the steps, slowly.

"Irvine, why do I smell burnt toast?" Just them the toaster in the kitchen binged and the smell became stronger. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed heavily.


Irvine sat in front of me at the glass round dining table, she finished her plate of breakfast I cooked for her while she was in the shower and trying to get herself together. She was now on her second plate and eating in silence. A frown was set on my face, I have never seen Irvine so down like this before; either she done this before and hide it from me, or this is her first. I'll say the first theory.

Irvine skin was paler than usual, a dark circles formed around her eyes, hair was still wet from the shower, clothes dull for a woman like her, and she was quiet- way too quiet. It all worried me.

Irvine pushed the empty plate away before downing her orange juice, "Thanks for this."

"No problem."

Irvine stood to her feet, "I have to go, dad is making me go to this interview today." She slowly rolled her eyes. "I can't even have a day of peace, he doesn't give a shot about anyone feelings."


"No, I don't want to talk about it. I'm just going to get ready, I left your boxes in you room. I was planning on unpacking your stuff but.." She paused and sighed before walking off.

My phone vibrates in my pants pocket, I took it out to see a text message from Mike.

I need your help, get to the school as soon as possible. SOS!!
~Smartass M

What did you do this time?!
~Natural K

I looked towards the steps where Irvine descended, "Irvine!"

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