Quick ch.8

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I winced for the fifth time that morning, I could not stop touching the bandage that covered my nose. Marcus and Jeffery were wrong when they said my nose wasn't broken, it was. My nose had a small fracture, not to dramatic and major- it hurts like hell and I have to keep the bandage on it for a week. The bandage made me look kinda badass, but I didn't want to look badass; especially not like this.

I groaned as my fingers clenched into fist. At that moment I anted to kill Susan, she caught me off guard but not anymore. If I see her, I'll kill her with my own bare hands- maybe hit her with a metal baseball bat to break her nose, even legs while I'm at it. Whoa, calm yourself Kaxity...

I took a deep breath to calm my evil thoughts. I popped another pain killer in my mouth before downing it with some room temperature water. From the mirror I saw the bedroom door open, Irvine's fiery red hair, green eyes and pale skin. "Hey buddy," her voice was soft and timid.

I slowly rolled my eyes at the way she was trying to be nice, "Don't 'hey buddy' me. I look like I just came from war." I peeled my eyes off the mirror and turned to my beautiful friend who has no clue on what to do in this situation. Usually I'm the one to comfort considering I never have major problems in my life. In New York and Atlanta I kept my life simple; no drama nor issues that would weigh me down. Now I'm in Barcelona; a new place with new people, around wealthy individuals who doesn't give a shit about responsibility and they feed off drama, a new routine, and a new crush.

Violet Hunt... That name could never be so sweet and vicious. I can never forget about that kiss, that blissful kiss. Crap! I have to go to the institute and there's an possibility I'll see her. I don't want to see her nor her soft features; those sugar gray eyes, plump pink lips that can form into a very beautiful smile, mid-length hair, lean/athletic frame, long legs, nice breast and head that angelic laugh. Oh god her laugh... Kill me now lord and take my soul into limbo....

"I'm just wanted to check on you," Irvine said innocently while her hands were behind her back, lips tugged into a weak smile and eyes eyeing my nose. "And I wanted to see if you want to leave with me to drive to the institute."

"Drive?" I questioned. "I thought we would walk."

"Yeah, but..." Irvine started to say as her eyes drifted to my hand holding the full bottle of pain killers. "You're on medication, we don't exactly know how your body would react during the day, since you usually take them at night." She pointed out.

I hesitated before agreeing, "Yeah sure,"

Irvine weak smile turned bright, "Great, I'll start the car." She skipped out of my room with her head held high and excitement in her eyes.

"Wait! What car?!"


I gripped onto the dash board in front of me, my nail punctured the thick leather- I was panicking, while Irvine was enjoying herself. Apparently Mister Skagärd had an Aston Martin Vulcan- a very fast and powerful car- in his garage, collecting dust until he comes back to Barcelona to drive it once more. Irvine took the opportunity while her father is nowhere near us to find out about her disobedience, to take the car for a spin. As soon as I stepped into the car, I regretted the choice to tag along.

"Irvine!" I yelled over the booming music and her screams of excitement.

"Relax Kax! Aren't you supposed to be hyped up on pain killers?"

Unfortunately not enough pain killers in the world could keep my heart from jumping out of my body. "Slow down would you! I don't want to die today or any day at that!"

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