Quick ch.11

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Tossing and turning in my bed, I could not sleep; you would expect to sleep from a person he did at lease five shots the night before. However a certain pair of sugar gray eyes occupied my mind, those lips, skin, hair, legs and that throbbing and wet... Calm yourself, you're getting aroused.

Think of sheep, count them until you feel droopy. One sheep... Two sheep... Three sheep... Four sheep... Five Sheep... Sugar gray eyes... fuck!..

I decided to give up and stay up, by doing so I took out my phone and call my mother whom was probably expecting a call from me. It's two in the morning here, which means it's eight at night there. She answered on the second ring, voice full of exhaustion and frustration.

"Kaxity," She tried to coat it with happiness and relief, but I could see through her facade. "How are you?"

"I'm fine mom. How are you? You don't sound too excited or calm."

She sighed heavily before saying, "Just been doing some errands, that's all. Besides your sister made me chase her all around the house, your brother is driving me crazy and your father-" she did not continue, it's as if it pained her to bring him up.

Something is wrong, I can feel it. I can't hold back anymore, I need to know. "Mom, what's up with you and dad? Is something wrong?"

My mother hesitated before speaking, immediately I regretted asking that question. "Your not a teenage girl anymore, which means I can't sugar code things anymore. Your dad and I our having some issues, it's just we're getting older and our lives are going on two different routes."

"What does that supposed to mean?" I kicked the covers off my legs and stood to my feet. I started to pace to prepare for the bad news, to keep in the tears that threatened to spill.

"Sweetheart, your dad and I want two different things in life right now. We still love each other dearly, it's just I want to continue working while he wants to retire- nothing serious,"

I let go of the breath I was apparently holding in, it's was big1 just two different perspectives. However I was still on edge, that minor issue could turn serious, next thing you know they'll be talking about divorce; mom would stay in New York while dad would be in Atlanta, Neavia and Mike would have to spend their summer in Atlanta to see their father. That'll mess them up, especially Mike since he's at age where he needs both of his parents. Neavia is too young to understand, she'll get use to it at least. But still, it's hard.

"Mom, gosh this is.."

"Sweet heart, don't worry. Now tell me why you're in Madrid." I guess it's best to change the subject before we both become emotional.

"I volunteered for setting up an art gallery here, it's quite beautiful but not as colorful in the day like Barcelona. It's my last day here."

"Do you have pictures?"

"I will send them to you later on, at the moment rest. You sound exhausted." I advice.

Mom sighed heavily before saying, "I am tired, goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight mom, say goodnight for me to the others."

"Surly will."

Both of us ended the call. I set my phone down onto the bed side table and took a deep breath. I sat on the edge of the cloud like bed and slowly laid back so my feet would dangle. "Get your shit together, Kax."


That morning I threw on a sundress, did my hygiene, put my hair in a puffy ponytail and walked out the hotel room with my purse and phone in hand. Violet was walking out her hotel room as well, looking ready for the day. Those sugar gray eyes locked into mine immediately, "Kaxity, good morning."

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