Chapter Two : The Crow And The Fire Bird

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But maybe Alexander is  right. Maybe I need her as a partner.

I have to kill her in order for her to join our side.  She would have to be under immediate lock down after she is resurrected as she would try to escape. I had tried to do the same and I did, but as I was confused I had came back to do my duty.

Anne's location must be in New York, the closest city that I was near by.  She must have called the cops and stuff. The walk must have taken her over night and maybe a few extra hours. I expect that the journey had taken 13-15 hours.  Anne must have also called the police, so typical.

The cops wont stop me  getting to her.  She cant stay awake forever, so I could slit her throat in her sleep. No one will be watching over sometime, so ill shoot her when she least expects it.  But her death wont end her life, she will resurrect as a woman killing machine . We will be partners in crime  until one of us is lost in battle.

Nick Fury however is my next prime target. He's the one for getting  HYDRA's plans running. If Anne's wondering around, wont hurt to get her as well.

Anne's P.O.V

So. Tired.

I am wandering the streets of New York like the living dead. My legs are hunching over as my back was hunched as well. I couldn't take it anymore.

I sighed in relief when I seen a grey car right in front of me. There was a black man just about to get into the car. I need that ride.

I have been walking for over twelve hours and I went past over 2 small towns. None of them having a police department. And I have no money on me to pay for a phone call. And maybe the polices phone number changed. Plus it would be stupid to ask what the polices phone number is! The black man had turned when I tapped his shoulder.

He was way taller then me so he had looked down on me. He had a black eye patch and flashed a eyebrow at me. Then he shaken his head

"Taken you long enough Miss Shmidt"

I don't know this man. How does he know me?  Was he sent down by the creepy man to take m down instead?

"Don't worry Anne, Steve was waiting for you" He told me. That had changed things around for me, I couldn't believe that a old friend was here. A man who's been through hell just like me. A person that I could relate to. A shoulder to cry on after the event.

I made my way into the car and immediately crashed right there. My eyes were so tired so they just locked tight as Nick Fury entered the car. He slammed the door shut  then I entered my own new world.

Back in the old days. Back in hell , my fathers lair . The twisted experiments that he made on the innocent for a better chance of winning Germany over. I couldn't sleep properly as all that he did was experiment twistedly on the people , inserting drugs not mean in man. Each day my father would dump several bodies out of our hovercraft because they failed to resist the pain, and that isn't too settle for  a warrior for the Shmidt family. 

One time when I watched a man being dumped over. He of course was infected from the chemicals , his skin was a pale purple and covered with blue boils. That wasn't right. My father had stood next to me as he watched the man perish before our eyes. He turned to me and looked down on me with his demonic eyes as he place his hands on my cheeks.

"This may be hard to see at first  my flower but over time your going to see that this is what mankind is made for. We are born weak, the very few that survive are the strongest of us. They will leave a mark on us" He told me in German.

Fear Is How I Fall * Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier Love Story* Book One Of Marvel SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat