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Hi, guys! Before I continue this story, I will be doing some serious editing on the earlier chapters. 

I've obviously grown and evolved since I started writing this story four years ago, and so have my English skills!

Don't worry, the storyline will stay the same, but maybe the length of the chapters will grow but mainly the "quality".

I hope my writing will continue to grow like this, and thank you so much for being on this incredible journey with me!

I will be posting another chapter in about a week or so, so stay tuned! Two months is about the earliest I would give my story a re-read if you have the time and interest in seeing what and how the flow of my writing has changed. Thank you so much for sticking around long enough to watch this mess grow with me!

See you guys soon...
You're special:)

Editing progression so far:
Chapter 1: done

Chapter 2: done

Chapter 3: done

Chapter 4: done

Chapter 5: done

Chapter 6: done

Chapter 7: done

Chapter 8: done

Chapter 9: done

Chapter 10: done

Chapter 11: done

Chapter 12: done

Chapter 13:  done

Chapter 14:  done

Chapter 15: done

Chapter 16: done

Chapter 17: done

Chapter 18: done

Chapter 19: done


Jonnor : What happened in the tent stays in the tent?!Where stories live. Discover now