Chapter 16

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Previously on Jonnor: What happened in the Tent stays in the Tent?!

Oh, wow, I didn't have time to think about it too much, as he was now full-on wrapping his pinkie around mine. I wanted to pull away but it just felt so good, after all these days of holding myself back:

Finally a relief, a small string of hope. 

But was it enough to be held onto?

It was enough for our fingers to stay that way for the rest of the movie, comfortable and content with what was happening while still uncomprehending.

But then again, which fourteen-year-old boy truly understands what it means when it comes to the word "love" or even just "a healthy relationship" or "attraction". 

After about thirty minutes there was a slight shift in posture on Daria's side. Immediately, Connor ripped his and my finger back. Our popcorn spilled onto the floor and created a huge mess.

 I winced because of the friction created by his finger ripping my finger back and because I had wanted that moment to last until eternity, until I realized the hilarity of the situation and grinned at Connor, turning my head to the left so that Daria could not see. She had not even noticed that we had been holding hands for half an hour. She definitely did not deserve Connor.

It was funny how much of a mess we created in such a short period of time, simply over a change of posture. 

Meanwhile, Taylor was laughing, almost choking on her own popcorn. I liked her. Thankfully, the tension subsided and everything returned to the state of tranquility it had been at before. Other people were actually trying to watch the movie.

Still, Connor didn't dare to move his pinkie finger again. It didn't matter. I knew what I needed to know...That he was definitely, hopelessly in love with me...and I with him.

A/N: so...the ending might seem a bit too euphoric to you, but you have to understand that Jude's a young teenage boy at this point of the story- so he has a lot of emotions at once, that he can't portray equally because he feels so strongly about every single one. And then it disappears in a millisecond. So sudden euphoria is the exact emotion I wanted to portray. Let me know what you think!:)
You're special;*

Jonnor : What happened in the tent stays in the tent?!Where stories live. Discover now