Chapter 19 (Connor's Disappointment)

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I had never felt so free.

For the first time in years, I did not feel afraid when walking past the school doors. No bully could harm me now.

All I could think was:
"Connor, Connor, Connor..."

Nothing could have stopped me.

I ignored the sharp sting in my stomach I felt when I could not immediately find Connor and walked outside, enjoying the way the morning sun warmed my face.

By the tree, I saw what I had been wanting to forget since yesterday.

Connor, kissing Daria.

Everything came crashing down on me.

How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me.


I was probably projecting. This was a mistake. But I was already walking towards him. 

When I arrived at the branch where they were they were continuing to make out , I silently stared, too shocked to say anything.

"Oh, hey, Jude"

Connor greeted me with an embarrassed grin.

"Hi", I responded with a shaky voice. Before Connor could say anything else, anything that could hurt me more, I responded hastily,

"Hi. I have to go...finish my homework, bye!"

"J"-but I was already long-gone. In an ever-steady fast walk I almost stumbled to the classroom, when Lena stopped me.

The last thing I needed right now was my mother checking up on me. 

"Jude! Connor's dad's out of town. So he's staying with us this weekend"

I was in agony. Connor coming to our place after what he did was the worst possible outcome. But I was afraid of saying no to anyone, especially an adult.


"What's the matter? I thought you would be thrilled!"

I had never felt so afraid.

A/N: Esta fanfic es un slow-burn como la story-line real, lo sé, jeje. /This fanfic is a slow-burn like the actual storyline, I know, hehe. Discúlpenme, chicos:P.
Bueno, te juro como siempre que
Sos especial;*/You're special:)

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