Chapter 18 (Jude's Hope)

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I woke up with dried tear tracks on my cheeks. Dried, because a new day had begun.

The sun shone onto mine and Callie's face, filling them with ever-glowing warmth and comfort,  digressed from the pain I had felt in the evening. I felt refreshed and calm, tired but alert. 

I got up slowly, in order to not wake Callie up.

She woke up anyways.

"Hi, Judicorn! How are you feeling today? Better?" She nuzzled my hair.

She looked tired. I could have sworn I saw some tear tracks on her face as well, but maybe I was beginning to imagine things. When she noticed my grin, her face brightened up and her frown relaxed into a smile.


I smiled.

I was ready to face Connor at school. He finally made a move. He liked me! 

"Why the rush? Where are you going, Jude?"

"School, of course!"

"Jude, it's 5.30am. "

"Oh...well I'll just wait then", I awkwardly said.

The next hour was filled with me quietly fetching some breakfast before sitting on the stairs, relentlessly tapping my fingers against the wall.


Brandon gave me a quick smile .

"What's got you so cheery today?"

He looked slightly pained, but a bit happier than usual.

"I'm just glad to go to school to meet my friends again"

He laughed at that. 

"Aww...any special friends you want to tell us about?"


I blushed.

Luckily he didn't comment any further on that because Jesús bolted into the room on his skateboard. After thirty minutes of impatiently watching them and my parents eat (Mariana was nowhere to be seen and neither was Callie), Lena agreed to bring me to school a little earlier than usual. Oh, the joys of living in a big family. I ran to the car. Finally!

"Connor, Connor, Connor..."

A/N: Thank you so much, everyone! I will be posting the next chapter later on tonight! If you have any corrections regarding grammar, punctuation, continuity in storyline, please do correct! It helps the creative process and of course betters my English grammar and vocabulary! As always...
You're special;'P
(This chapter is dedicated to @Jonnorlovir822. I hope you continue to enjoy this story😊) .

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