Chapter 17

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I knew what I needed to know...That he was definitely, hopelessly in love with me...and I with him.

When I got home, I immediately slammed the door behind me and sprinted up the stairs. My hands were giddy and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I sat down on my bed and buried my head in my pillow. Forever listening to my beating heart, not wanting for it to ever return to its normal pace. 

Sadly, it did, as always, and I fell into deep slumber...

"You're such a f***ot, Jude. Seriously, what is wrong with you. You f***ing c**t""

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm sorry!!!-

Slap. My stepfather had hit me before, but never this hard. 

"If you ever touch that dress again..."

Punch. Kick. I could barely breathe. 

I heard  Callie faintly screaming in the background and then...came...darkness.

I woke up, breathing fast, holding onto dear life. It just felt so wrong. Everything felt so wrong. It must have been way past midnight.

Callie came in, closing the door behind her. Apparently I had even forgotten how to do that right.

"Jude, what's wrong?"

"Nothing", I wiped away a tear on my cheek.

"Jude, please tell me what's wrong, yeah? Trust me?"

I sighed.

"I'm gay"

Callie looked surprised at the sudden revelation for a moment before smiling proudly at me.

"I know, idiot, I'm your big sister"

But as she saw my distraught face, she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead to calm me down. 

"Is there anything that has brought this on?"


"Jude, please?"

"Connor and I held hands at the movie theater. And I can't help thinking about Jim and how he said it was wrong and-"

I started full-on sobbing, breaking down into my sister's arms. Callie rubbed my back and said softly after a while.

"You know, he was a very sick man, Jude. And not very clever. And he is not our foster father anymore. Is Lena and Stef's marriage wrong?"

I shook my head. Of course not. They loved me like I was their son. I was their son. They both worked and still had time for every single one of us and to care for each other. They loved each other.

"So then tell me how you and Connor holding hands at the movie theater is any different"

"I...I don't know..."

"See? That's because it's not! How can love be wrong?..."

The pain in my chest and heart was dulled with that sentence and I took a deep breath.

After a few minutes of calm, slow breaths, Callie got up. 



"Can you sleep in here tonight?"

"Yeah. I am just getting my pillow, okay? I'll be right back"

As she came back and slid under my covers to give me a hug I immediately sensed relief. This was Callie. Back when we were taken from home to home, and things got bad, we used to do this all the time. Comfort each other. 

"Goodnight, Jude"

"Goodnight, Callie"

And this time, 

I slept.

A/N: Wow, Chapter 17, everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Pleeeease tell me what you think of the story in the comments. It keeps me motivated to continue writing the story...
Also this chapter is dedicated to @MagConGayBoysEtc
for being an avid reader of this story.
You're special;*

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