Chapter 12

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As Daria, Taylor and I were walking towards Connor's house, kicking the pebbels on the path thereto, I felt very intimated looking at the tall, white building Connor had lived in for the past five years. Not because it looked expensive and huge, but because Connor's father lived there. I was certain that if he found out that I had kissed his son he would shoot me dead. I did not want to die. Not anymore. I wanted to live.

Taylor and Daria, who had been trying to talk to me for ages, even though that was nearly impossible over the sound of the rain and the trees being rocked by the wind, both suddenly came to a stop and Daria whined (she was so annoying):

"I am so hungry, I can not wait until we are at the cinema, I need to eat something right now...

"I am not really...", I tried say but was cut off by Taylor-

"There is this coffee shop that just reopened, right there, across the street, I'm sure we could get you something small to eat there ",

I suddenly felt a hand grab me by the arm and pull me behind one of those precisely cut bushes. 

As I turned around to look at my kidnapper, preparing to kick him or her in the crotch, I saw someone I would never have expected see in a situation like that one.


"Yeah...I just wanted to talk to you about something..."

"Okay, then, talk", I said,  guessing where this was going, already feeling impatient and uncomfortable.

"Look...about what happened in the tent.."

"Stays in the tent?", I, almost angrily asked him.

Realizing how upset I still was with him, and how my voice was getting louder and starting to sound slightly deranged, he tried to calm me down:

"Look Jude, can you please keep your voice down? Daria and Taylor are starting to stare!"

"I will, if you explain to me why you are doing this to me!"

"Okay, okay, please, quiet, please!"

"Okay then, tell me why you kissed me", I whispered, with a dangerous undertone in my voice.

As there was no way of getting out of this, Connor said hesitantly:

"Look...I was confused, okay? I was tired, my dad and I had a fight because of him.."

he came closer to my ear and whispered:

"spanking me just happened. It's not like it meant anything anyway...It was nothing"

Even though I did not want to be close to him in that moment, especially after he had just insulted me to my face, I shivered because of him being so close to my face. His eyes were brown, like the earth.

Still, he cared more about what people thought of him than about the people themselves. That made me really sad and angry at the same time. Suddenly, his eyes just looked like dirt.

And at that point, I snapped. I was far beyond caring, and said really loudly:

"You know what? Fine! You can keep denying it, but deep in your heart you know that this", I pointed towards him and me ,"is not NOTHING!"

Daria jogged towards us, pulling Taylor along with her and as she reached us she asked, visibly confused and angry.

"What is going on here?"

A/N: WHAAT? Two updates in...
you're special;*

Jonnor : What happened in the tent stays in the tent?!Where stories live. Discover now