Chapter 25 (Connor's father)

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As I left Anchor Beach on that day, I noticed two dark figures in the shadow of the building, next to the old tree. 

" are not to speak to him ever again..."

 Then, a harsh slap. The sound of it made me flinch but it was not the time to get pulled into old memories. Why not? Because the man walked away and left behind...Connor. 

I ran towards him. So what if he had rejected me? He was in pain.

He flinched before he noticed that it was me. 

"What was that?"

"What do you mean?",

he tried to play it off. But I was not a fool.

"Was that your father?"

He looked away and then replied quietly:

"It's not a big deal, Jude. He does it to discipline me, to show me right from wrong"

"Did he tell you that?"

Connor looked away, clearly uncomfortable. But I needed him to hear me. Now that I knew what his father was, a monster, I needed him to understand. Because if that was him in public, how was he in private?

"People like him will tell you anything they need to keep you from telling on them. Our foster father used to tell us the exact same things and they were never true. Never. He told me I was a f*ggot for liking boys but you can't choose who you love. And love is never wrong"

"They will make you feel like it is your fault. They play on the fact that you have a conscience, a pure soul and they try to wreck it. 

But they can't, so they keep trying. But all they do is cause open wounds"

Connor started crying. I caught a lonely tear as I carefully placed my hand on his cheek. 

"It's okay. Let me help you"

"I can't"

"It's okay", I breathed, "you can"

"I can't. It would kill my mom to know"

"It kills you more"

He lost his footing and sank to the floor, if in shock or relief, I was not sure. I followed him:

"What do you think would happen if she found out that he hurt you and she didn't help you? If you tell her now, she can still help you get out of there"

"I don't... I mean I don't even know how I would tell her"

"I'll help. Stef and Lena can help. You are not alone. You don't have to be alone"

I was now just talking, saying anything to keep him from running away. I don't even remember what I said. I simply said anything to get him out of there. 

After a few moments, he put his head onto my chest and pulled me in. That was the confirmation I needed. He was going to tell. I held him as he wept.

A/N: three chapters to go :)  to everyone who may have rediscovered this fic from years ago: Thank you so much for reading it then and now, I hope this can make it up to you at least a little bit. And I hope that if you are in a similar situation to Connor, you will tell someone. Whether that be a school counsellor, friends or family. Anyone who will listen

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