I gasped when my phone was kicked out of my hands and I span round to see five dark figures.

"Dude, can't a girl have a little stroll at night without being attacked?" I asked the person who had kicked my phone out of my hand. It was now shattered and lying on the ground. "You broke my phone," I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "That's not cool."

I jumped back as one of the guys lunged at me and I kicked him right on target. In the balls. I smiled as he groaned and I grabbed his hair and smashed my knee into his face. "That didn't sound too good," I said after I heard a crunch and I shoved him to the ground. The second guy ran at me instantly and I smirked and stuck my foot out, sending him flying to the ground.

Two more guys stepped forward. "Two against one? That's hardly fair," I said and gasped when I sw a foot flying towards my face. I ducked just in time and caught the guy's foot mid air. I twisted his leg painfully so he was balanced precariously on one leg and I punched him twice in the stomach and the shoved him to the ground.

I quickly spun round to face the other guy, but suddenly my world was spinning and I landed on my back, hitting my head painfully on the pavement. I blinked twice and threw my feet up, catching the person above me with a two footed kick to the stomach. I then swiped my legs under his and jumped up. Two guys were still on the floor, the one I had kicked in the balls and the one who had just fallen.

The other two were surrounding me again and the final guy who hadn't yet moved was just watching.

The two guys moved at the same time and I could only dodge one of their attacks. I swore when I was punched in the face and I stumbled backwards into one of the guys. He caught me and grabbed my arms locking them behind me. I gritted my teeth and glared at the guy in front of me as he walked closer.

"Stop fighting," he said and I scoffed. I used all the momentum I could threw my legs up, hitting the guy in the stomach. My feet landed back on the ground and I heaved the guy behind me over my shoulder. He landed on the ground with a thud.

"Okay, I'm bored," the final guy called and stepped forward. His voice sounded familiar and he pushed his hair back.

"Nice of you to join in," I said and he lifted his arm, pointing a gun at me. "Is that meant to scare me? Because I have a feeling you don't want to kill me, so that gun is a bit useless, isn't it?"

"Smart," the guy nodded and tucked the gun into his waistband. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a guy run at me and I decided to show off by backflipping out of his reach. The guy ran straight past me and I smirked.

"Alright, lets just get this over with," the guy who had yet to fight called and I was surprised by the force of his punches than he sent my way.

I struggled to block some of them and for the next few minutes we were in a battle of attack and defence, waiting for someone to slip up.

I did.

His punch caught my shoulder and I glared at him, not that he could see in the darkness. I moved my elbow back and caught him in the face. I gasped when he grabbed my elbow that I was pulling back and pulled me into his chest.

"Get off me!" I yelled. I threw by head back and the guy grunted, but he didn't let go.

"You're a tough one, aren't you?" The guy said.

"You're an ass!" I hissed and struggled in his grasp.

"Well, you've had your fun, Daisy," the guy said and I groaned when he jammed his foot into the back of my knee and my legs buckled. "Now it's time to behave." He shoved me to the ground, yanked my arms up behind me and dug his knee into my back so I couldn't move.

DaisyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora