"Am I the only who thinks Vamp is a stupid name. I mean really it is just half of the word vampire." Trent said.

"I didn't pick it," Mac said laughing. "Just like I didn't pick War."

"I want to name my wolf," Trent said taking a normal seat on the couch.

"How about Dipstick?" Jason said.

"How about Fatty?" John said. Trent's mouth dropped with shock.

"Oh, I know how about tiny," Katie said. He whipped his head fast to stare at his mate.

"Well, I never," Trent said. "To be betrayed by my mate like this. How dare thy." He wrapped his arm around her giving her head a noogie.

"Dude you just set us up, it was easy pickings," John said.

"No, it wasn't," Trent said letting Katie go, it didn't hurt her or anything, just messed up her hair a bit.

"It kind of was," Mac said laughing the group joining her.

"Anyways," Trent said. "Can we please see your vampire side?"

Mac just shrugged her shoulders letting Vamp out. She had a lot more control of turning into Vamp then she did War, but it was still like taking a back seat of a car. She didn't have any control just could tell the driver where to go.

"Hello, boys and girl." Vamp said she gave them a little smile. 

She was pearly white with short black hair. But what really stood out was pure black eyes, it was almost demon like. This was much different than any other vampire John and Jason had ever seen. She was less human in a way and no other vampire had pure black eyes like her.

"Mac, I mean Vamp," Trent said scratching his head. "I um heard a rumor that vampires have magical powers, is it true?"

Vamp flashed him a small smile her fangs just touching the tip of her bottom lip, she raised her hand and with a flick of her wrist Trent was hovering in the air.

"Oh my god this is awesome I'm flying," Trent said, he had his stomach parallel to the floor and started to try air swim with the frog stroke but he wasn't going anywhere.

"Babe, you aren't going in anywhere," Katie said taking pity on him after a minute.

Vamp flicked her wrist again and he fell on the floor with an oomph.

"Sorry." She said but everybody in the room could tell that she wasn't.

"No worry's and that was still awesome," Trent said getting on his feet.

"Is that it?" Jason asked.

"No, I have one more." Vamp said. 

She moved her neck side to side almost like she was cracking it and within a minute there were two Jason's in front of them. One where Jason was already standing and the other right where vamp was. She was still in her girly club clothes which on Jason's body shape was very unflattering.

"That is creepy," Jason said. He couldn't take his eyes off himself.

"I always wandered what you would look like in a dress," John said.

"Not really your color," Katie said. "Although it does make your butt look big."

"In a good way though," Trent said.

Vamp started moving her neck side to side again letting her normal body come back to life.

"Seen enough?" She asked staring at their surprised faces.She didn't wait for her answer just shook a little and a second later a normal looking Mac was back.

"Did you like her?" Mac asked.

"That was so cool," Trent said. "I can't believe you have powers. Wait aren't you supposed to burn in the sun and how do you fix your hair in the mirror. What about only being able to drink human blood?"

"Slow down," Mac said putting her hand up in defense. "I can go in the sun obviously because it is daylight and I just walked through the kitchen. I can see myself in the mirror just fine and I do drink blood now. But I won't kill anybody. It just helps me feel energized, almost like a protein boost or something super healthy like that."

"I still don't understand how you can be both War and Vamp," John said.

"I don't know either and it isn't like I can go to a library and ask somebody," Mac said.

"I think it is awesome," Trent said.

"It is pretty cool, and I don't know how to explain it, but I feel more alive than ever," Mac said. "Imagine a full moon but times three."

"That would feel pretty awesome," John said.

"I actually can't wait for the next full moon, it will feel even better," Mac said bouncing in her seat a little.

"Well, you don't have to wait too long," Jason said taking her hand.

"I know," Trent said loudly making Katie jump a bit. "I'll cook a feast."

"We don't have to have a feast every time I go missing," Mac said.

"I know we would be so fat," Katie said in a sarcastic way.

"Shut up," Mac said throwing the throw pillow at her. Katie fly's back on the couch.

"Ouch," Katie said holding her stomach.

"Sorry, I guess I don't know my new strength," Mac said apologetically.

Katie sighs and nods her head.

"I'll get some ice," Mac said.

"No I'll be fine but thanks though," Katie said. Trent kissed her on the head.

"I want Mexican food." He said after a second strutting into the kitchen. "Burritos all around." The group started laughing but followed him in to help with dinner.

"Are you sure you are alright," Jason asked pulling her aside before she entered the kitchen.

"I'm more than fine and this is a good thing, I mean think about a vampire alpha, never heard of it before but think of how powerful I'll be."

"Yes, I guess so," Jason said. He pulled her into a hug placing a small kiss on her cheek. She was grateful that she could hide her blush.

"Jason, I'm sorry," Mac said.

"For what?" Jason said, not letting her go.

"The vampire, I didn't kiss him or anything, I don't even know what happened," Mac said.

"What, don't worry about that. Most humans can't fight the pull of a vampire." Jason said.

"And werewolves?" Mac asked.

"Well, they normally can, but I think we both can admit you are hardly normal," Jason said giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm still sorry," Mac said.

"Really, I'm just happy you are fine," Jason said. He pulled away to look down at her, her big blue eyes looking up at him. He turned away a second later, his wolf demanding it.

"Let's go help." She said running off to the kitchen feeling the awkward tension in the room. He just watched her walk away memorize by her.

What do you think of the new MAC???

Like her vampire side???

Do you think something is going on with Jason and Mac???

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