Waiting On a Maybe (P.P)

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"Oh, Mr. Stark. You know me better than that, don't make me say no again." You joke, following him inside the Tower. "So explain the situation. You weren't clear on the phone."
"International calls." Tony mutters, making you chuckle. "Well, we have a new member on the Avengers and he needs help working out the kinks of his suit. Since I gifted you a suit of the same intelligence, I thought you could help him work it out. He also needs a sparring partner and you're the same age as him." Tony shrugs. "He could use another person his age."
You nod, "Sounds good with me. I'm set to stay for a week, but then I'm off. No if ands or buts," You tell Tony pointedly, knowing he's going to try to get you to stay. But you can't, London needs you.

Tony nods, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "No ifs ands or buts. Thank you for coming out, (Y/N). I appreciate it."

You shrug, "Like I said, I'm here to help."

Tony nods before opening a door, inside a boy your age sits on the couch, watching the tv. Something is playing, but you can't tell what it is.

"Peter," At his name, the boy turns around, "Come say hello to your helper this week." Tony waves a hand at you.

Holy crap, she's so beautiful. She's going to be helping me all this week, what if I mess up or if I make a fool out of myself. Okay, come on, Peter, you got this. The boy's thoughts fly into your mind, making you blush. Most of the time, you're able to tune people's thoughts out, but you were so focused on him that his thoughts were amplified in your mind.

"Hi, my name is (Y/N). Mr. Stark said that you needed a little help with your suit and he came to me for said help. I'm also going to be your sparring partner for the week." You tell him, unsure of what Tony has told him about why you're there.

Peter glances at Tony with a confused look, "Uh, my name is Peter. Peter Parker." He tells you, his eyes settling on you, finally. His eyes are the most beautiful brown that you could get lost in. "I, uh... my sparring partner? I don't know if you know, but I'm Spider-man. How could you spar with me?" Peter asks, not trying to sound overconfident in his skills, but totally sounding overconfident in his skills.

Tony suppresses a laugh, he must've forgotten to tell Peter who you are. Oh well, he'll learn soon enough.

You nod, "Well, Peter Parker, you'll find out soon enough how I can spar with you. And yes, I'm well aware of your status as the Spider-man. You're pretty... amazing." You can't help but grin at your pun.

Oh my god, she thinks I'm amazing. She knew that I was Spider-man. Did Tony tell her or did she know on her own? Oh her accent... she's perfect. This girl is perfect. You blush once again, Peter's rants in his mind barreling into your own.

How can he get anything done when his mind is firing at 1,000 words per minute?
"Well, I'll leave you two to it. Peter show her your suit and she can help you out with whatever problems you're having. Afterwards the two of you can spar." Tony tells him before walking out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.

Peter nods and grabs his suit off the back of the couch, "So, I just don't know a lot of settings for the suit. That's the problem I'm having."

You nod, biting your lip. "Okay, that was my problem too. I ended up having to spar against someone and just try everything out so that I knew what it did."
Peter's eyes widen. "What do you mean, that was your problem too? Are you like a superhero or something?"

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