Waiting On a Maybe (P.P)

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Another one from Tumblr. This one is from my favorite account. @Pete-rparker, check her work out.

You're not a part of the Avengers, but you're on their radar. You're a hero over in London, they call you the London Angel. This is due to your beautiful white wings that have been spotted all over the city. Tony had asked you to join the Avengers when he realized just how powerful you are, but you refused. They're a can of steaming drama and you don't want to get burned, but you promised you'd help if needed.

And apparently it was needed. 30 minutes ago, you got a call from Tony. He said that there is a new recruit on the Avengers and he's around your age. This surprises you because you're 16, don't they know that having such a young person on the Avengers is risky? Tony said that the newest member needs help with his suit and developing a better fighting style. He mentioned that you were the only one who could help, because everyone else were on a mission. Then he said that he sent a plane 9 hours ago.

You hear the whooshing of a plane in the distance and you sign, pinching the bridge of your nose. He said plane, not a fricken private jet. Whatever, you're grateful he didn't make you fly there. You're the London Angel, you can't exactly be spotted outside of London.
The London Angel, according to the media, is an angel sent from God himself. But in reality, you're just a 16-year-old girl who found out her powers and wanted to save the world. You found out you had wings on your 15 birthday. They suddenly unfurled from your back, seeming to pop out of nowhere. At first, you thought you were hallucinating, but the pain made it seem very real. Those first times you brought your wings out hurt so bad you thought you'd black out. Unreal powers came with your wings, the ability to make things move without touching them and hearing thoughts of others without them speaking. You thought you were a freak, an abomination, but with a little research and seeing Wanda Maximoff on T.V. more, you realized you're the opposite. You don't know how you got your wings, but you're thankful you have. London has become safer, because of you.

The private jet touches down in front of you, the noise deafening. You quickly climb aboard and you take off as fast as you landed. Happy is seated in one of the many seats, which makes you... well, happy. When you first met Happy, the two of you seemed to have a mutual understanding without speaking. He checks up on you from time to time, making sure London is okay as well. It warms your heart that he is looking out for you.

"(Y/N). How are you?" Happy asks, leaning back in the comfy chair, getting ready for the long plane ride.

You smile at him. "I'm good, Happy! Thankfully, London is having a bit of a slow period, so I can sneak away without worry."

He nods, agreeing with you. The both of you know that you wouldn't have left London if you thought your services were needed.

There was no more needed to be said, thankfully. You and Happy understood each other and the need for silence. So you relax and fall asleep.

9 hours later you're touching down in the newest Stark Towers. You smile at Happy, sleep still tugging on your consciousness.

You grab your bag and step down from the steps, there's silence. No reporters, no crazed fans, no nothing. Just Tony waiting for you with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Mr. Stark, good to see you again." You tell him, shaking his hand.

"Have you reconsidered my deal, (Y/N)? We could use you on the team. There's no one like you," He winks at you, making you laugh.

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