Chapter 10

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"Morning, Molls." Loo yawned as she plodded into the kitchen, Toby wrapping around her legs.

"Morning." Molly's mumbled response told Loo something was definitely wrong. Her sister never mumbled, it was something her parents had frowned upon. 'If you have something to say, my girls, you say it loud and proud' their Dad used to say. Loo probed at her sister. She had her suspicions already, but she had to be sure.

"So, did you have a good time last night?"

Molly only hummed in response.

"Did you have any of that red wine from the fridge?"

Another hum.

"Did have all of it?"

"Not all."

"Did you talk about his cases?"


"Did you have some deep and meaningful chats?"

"I suppose."

Finally, she was getting somewhere. Time for the big one.

"Did you kiss him?"


Molly's hands flew to her mouth after she realised what she'd said and Loo burst into fits of giggles.

"Aw Molls, you're too easy!" Loo caught her breath and composed herself, "but seriously, was it good? He looks like he's a good kisser. Is he a good kisser?"


"What?" Loo plastered her most innocent expression across her face but still mused about the mysterious detective, Molly just shook her head.

"You're incorrigible!"

"And you love me for it!"

"Hmm, debatable." This earned her a light-hearted punch on the arm from her little sister, who was still staring at her with eyes sparkling with curiosity, "To answer your question, yes, it was good. Really good. But it could have been better? I guess."

"Oh," Loo tilted her head to the side, "too much tongue?" She winked and stuck her tongue out a bit, wiggling it around. It was Molly's turn to swat Loo on the arm,

"No! Just ... short." Molly sighed.

"And why is that?" Loo's tone was accusatory, she knew it was Molly who must have ended the moment, she knew her sister better than she knew herself.

"Well, maybe because I pulled away, said goodnight and ran back inside."

The words came out so fast, Loo could barely follow them. She suppressed a smile at her sister's tendency to rush the things she doesn't want to divulge before she realised what Molly had said.

"You left him on the pavement?!" Loo was almost shouting, "Molly, you kissed and ditched Sherlock Holmes! What is wrong with you?!"

"I was scared okay?! I'd had a lot of wine and we'd talked a lot about ... a lot." Loo scoffed, "It just kind of happened and I don't want it to ruin the odd but special thing we already are. He's a good friend, Loo and I don't want to mess it up. I don't want to lose the good thing we have here."

"Please, Molly. Open your eyes! That man has had the hots for you, if not loved you, from day one."

"He has not!"

"You keep telling yourself that."

Loo's voice was dripping with sarcasm and both sisters rolled their eyes at each other.

"Just go get ready for school, we're going to be late."

Loo stuck her tongue out at her sister before scurrying up the stairs.

Mr Holmes and Miss Hooper - a Sherlolly StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat