Chapter 5

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Molly awoke with a crick in her neck and a weight over her shoulders. It was very clear to her that she was not curled up in her bed. She slowly opened her eyes and let them adjust to the light before turning her head to inspect the situation, only to be met by the broad chest of Sherlock Holmes whose breathing was heavy as he slept. Molly didn't quite know what to do. She knew she should move, but she just didn't want to. Her distress must have been noticeable because Sherlock's arm tightened around her as he yawned and opened his eyes.

"Good morning, Molly."

"M-morning, Sherlock."

He smiled down at her.

"Did you sleep okay? You looked comfortable and I didn't want to disturb you. Looks like I fell asleep as well."

He stated it all as if it was nothing. As if they hadn't just slept for a full night with his arm around her and her head against his chest. She didn't know how to take it. Did this mean that there was no way he could ever want to be with her or did it mean he was just very good at hiding it and actually wanted it as much as she did? Did it mean it felt as natural and right to him as it did to her?

"Yeah, I did, just a bit sore."

She turned her head to smile at him and their eyes locked once again. She blushed and she swore she saw his pupils dilate within those astonishing blue, green and gold irises of his. His eyes searched her face and he smiled. She couldn't stop the words that fought to escape her lips.

"Sherlock?" His eyes snapped back to hers.

"Yes, Molly?" His morning voice finally hit her and she melted under the deep vibrations she felt against her body, emanating from his chest.

"Where do you disappear to?" He looked confused, "At lunch I mean. I always sit with Meena and Mike in the canteen but I can never seem to find you. Where do you run off to?"

He couldn't help the warm feeling in his stomach when he realised she had looked for him, she had purposely tried to locate his companionship. He smiled.

"Well, Molly, I might just have to show you. I go off to a quiet corner of the school. No kids, no teachers. Just me. Sometimes I just need to get away from it all. The lunch hour seems like a good time to do that." She gazed up at him with those huge and gorgeous eyes and he couldn't stop himself. "Monday. I'll show you Monday. Just bring some food and meet me at my classroom." He moved in closer to her ear and whispered, "It can be our secret."

Molly shivered and looked away from him, desperate to hide the ever-growing blush that was climbing her face. She glanced over at the clock and noticed it was well past 10:00. She had usually done half the housework by now. She reached for her phone on the coffee table, slipping out of Sherlock's arm. She sat back again and tried to hide her blush when his arm snaked over her once more. She pressed the lock button and the screen lit up with life. Her eyes widened at a text from Louise.

Amanda's mum needs to go shopping near our road so she said she'll bring me home. Thank you for letting me stay out last night, I'll make it up to you I promise. I'll see you just after 10, maybe half-past. Love you xxx

Molly's eyes darted back to the clock: 10:27. Shit. Loo would be home soon and what would she think if she found Molly and Sherlock cuddled up together on the couch? She shot up from her seated position and Sherlock's brow furrowed in confusion as he watched her. She laughed nervously.

"Sherlock, I'm really sorry but, well, you're going to have to go. Loo's going to be home soon and I don't want her getting the wrong- well I don't want to upset her so I think it'll be best if you go out the back way, I'll- I'll go grab your coat."

Sherlock stood as she hurried from the room. He straightened his clothes, ruffled his hair and walked over to the back door. Molly met him and placed his coat in his hands, smiling timidly. He couldn't fight the urge to reassure her, she looked so scared. He hated how much she tended to overthink.

"It's fine, Molls. I had a lovely time. I'll see you on Monday."

He smiled and sauntered out the door, as the back one closed, the front one opened.

"Molls? I'm home!"

"I'm only here, Loo. You don't have to shout."

Loo ran into the living room and hugged her big sister, Molly smiled to herself, she loved the relationship she and Loo had more than anything.

"How was last night? How's the project?"

"We finished it this morning. I think Mr Holmes will be quite impressed in all honesty. It's a big periodic table with the atomic structure of each element attached to each different part on those little paper springs you taught me how to make. I think he'll be blown away considering he wanted it in on Monday. Secretly, I like to think he just wanted to help me make some friends and get used to the teaching." Molly's eyebrows raised in an unspoken question, "He let us choose our own groups and even suggested to Amanda that we all got together this weekend."

Loo smiled as Molly's mind reeled with this new information.

"Oh, did he now?"

"Yeah, but don't get weird about it. I think he's only trying to help. Benedict said he's really caring towards his higher classes, despite what people say about him. He's harmless, I really like him. He'll be a good friend for you, Molls."

"You like him?"

"Yeah." She paused, "Amanda thinks you and him would make the cutest couple." Louise giggled up at her sister.

"And what do you think?" Molly tried to hide her genuine curiosity behind sarcasm and hoped she hadn't failed.

"As I said, I like him." Loo shrugged and disappeared up the stairs to her room.

Molly plopped back down onto the couch. Her mind was on fire. Did Sherlock set the idea of the four of them spending the weekend together in motion so he could do something with her alone? He was the one who asked her in the first place. Or was he really just teaching, going about his usual methods whilst maybe trying to make Loo some friends, trying to help her settle in? Was the huge possibility that she was just overthinking this whole thing the likely answer? Whatever it was, Molly was dumbstruck. She had always dreamt of a man who would do anything to get her alone for a date, but was it a date? Even if it wasn't, a man whom her sister approved of and even liked was a bonus, especially if said man also liked and looked out for her sister. Molly sighed. How could one utterly confusing man be so damn perfect for her? And why was it so hard to know whether he felt the same feelings she was starting to feel?

Her phone buzzed and she looked down at a text from Sherlock.

Please don't feel bad about the abrupt way last night ended, I really did have fun. Thank you for the fish and chips. I'll see you on Monday - SH

Molly smiled to herself, despite everything going on in her head. If there was one thing she did know, it was that Sherlock Holmes knew her far too well already.

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