Chapter 23

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Molly opened her eyes the next day to Sherlock looking at her from the other side of the bed. She smiled.

"Do you enjoy watching people sleep?" She laughed.

"Good morning to you too, Molly Hooper."

He closed the gap between them and kissed her soundly, she hummed into him.

"I certainly enjoy waking up to that."

"As do I."

He pressed another kiss to her lips before rolling over and climbing out of bed, still clad only in boxers. She took the opportunity to ogle him. Looking at how his back and shoulder muscles tensed as he stretched. He also had the most amazingly plump arse she thought she had ever seen. The sight of him had her feeling like a drooling cartoon character. He looked like he had been carved by the Gods and sent to Earth simply to remind others of what they could look like. She had known his cases kept him fit but the physique hidden under that big coat certainly did everything but disappoint. She watched him as he pottered around the room, picking up his trousers and pulling them back on. He turned to face her as he was doing up the button. This was all she had ever wanted.

"Move in with me."

She said it so quietly he didn't know if he'd heard her right. His head shot up to look at her.


Shit. She'd said it out loud.

"I mean- it doesn't matter."

"No, Molly," he moved to sit on the bed, "please, ask me again."

She took a deep breath.

"How would you feel about ..." she dropped her gaze from him and shook her head at herself angrily. Last night she had made it very clear to him that she was happy to go at his pace and take everything slowly and now here she is asking him to move in? They hadn't even known each other for 6 months. But at that moment she didn't care for societal norms and the rational timeline of relationships. She just knew her connection to Sherlock was infinite. Her heart raced. He reached for her head and lifted her chin.

"Molly Hooper, I would love to move in with you." She gasped. "Providing it's alright with Loo, that is."

"Are you- are you sure? I wouldn't want to rush you into-" He cut her off with a finger over her lips.

"Molly, do I strike you as the kind of man who rushes into things he doesn't want to do?" She drew her brows together and opened her mouth to say something but Sherlock spoke first, "Actually, don't answer that."

She laughed at him and pushed her long, loose hair behind her ear, looking up at him sheepishly. He stroked his hand down the side of her face.

"So, yes?" She still sounded nervous. He kissed her, brushing her nose with his as he pulled away.

"Nothing would make me happier than to be here with you and Loo." He smiled sincerely before adding, "Although I could perhaps keep my flat too." She raised her eyebrow in question, "I need to have somewhere to shoot up the walls and do whacky experiments when I'm bored." Molly laughed at him and nodded.

"Yeah, maybe that would be for the best." She leant into him then, pressing her lips to his and whispering into his skin, "I love you, Sherlock Holmes."

It was another 20 minutes before they finally got out of bed.


When Loo got home, Molly was sat cuddled into the sofa marking some work from school. Sherlock had gone back to Baker Street to sweet talk Mrs Hudson into letting him keep the flat if everything went to plan.

Mr Holmes and Miss Hooper - a Sherlolly Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن