Chapter 9

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Molly had texted Loo about Sherlock's idea and she was over the moon. She thought this type of thing would be perfect to get her mind off of everything that was going on, and also the perfect opportunity for Molly and Sherlock to spend time together - because if any two people in the world were made for each other, it was Mr Holmes and Miss Hooper. Well, technically, Dr Hooper. But Molly was far too humble to have that as her title at school.

The Hooper sisters met the tall, dark-haired man by the service doors. Sherlock was standing in his signature Belstaff, handsome as ever, and holding a cake. Molly giggled as Loo perked up immediately.

"Mr Holmes, I think this is the best idea you've ever had."

"You know, Loo, I think given the circumstances, you can call me Sherlock."

Loo blushed a little but nodded as the trio shared smiles and made their way to their cars.


The night was spent with William Hooper's favourite music playing and the laughter of his daughters ringing through the small house off Marylebone Road. Loo had brought down the old photo albums and they had spent a good three hours looking at photos of their Dad from the late 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. His hippie long-haired phase was a popular one. Molly had blushed when Loo turned to the page when she was born but quickly calmed after Sherlock's reaction. His smiles, chuckles and comments on how cute she was were not malicious at all, but friendly and almost kind. Soon they were laughing at Loo's baby photos as well and only stopped for a breather when the delivery man rang the doorbell with the takeaway.

The night got darker and Loo excused herself at around half past eight, claiming she'd already put off revision enough for one day and had to get some done considering her exams started soon.

"Goodnight, Mr Ho- Sherlock." She smiled at him, "Thank you for tonight. I think we needed it."

"It was my pleasure, Loo." He smiled back.

"Night, Molls. I'll see you in the morning." She kissed her sister on the cheek and Molly hugged her from the sofa, "A kiss and a hug.."

"And a boatload of love." They smiled at each other, "Go on, I'll see you tomorrow."

Louise blew a kiss to her sister and left.

"She's a good kid." Sherlock glanced in awe at the look on Molly's face as she watched her sister ascend the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah she is."

"I'm sure you had a hand in that."

"I tried, I still do."

"That little saying you have, it's sweet."

"Oh, that? It was a cheesy thing our Dad used to say to us. He used to say he had two great loves: sailing and us. He would say that to us whenever we did anything at all. Even if we were just going to sleep, it was ... it was his little thing. It wouldn't feel right not to say it or hear it anymore, so we just say it to each other." Molly smiled at him and he returned it, "Really though, thank you for tonight, Sherlock. It means a lot to me."

"As I said, it's my pleasure."

"What do you say we open some of that red wine?"

"I would definitely not say no."

They laughed and Molly went to get the bottle and two glasses.


"That never happened!"

"It did I swear."

They had somehow gotten through an entire bottle of wine and started a second (mostly on Molly's behalf, Sherlock figured she needed the Dutch courage for such a day) and were now talking about Sherlock's other profession, and his many other shenanigans.

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