Chapter 29

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(Another quick note that things get a little smutty in this chapter! I hope I've done okay!)

Molly looked at him. Tears sprang into her eyes. With everything going on, she had forgotten about her own birthday and by the time she remembered, Sherlock was shot and something mundane like a birthday just seemed so inconsequential.

"How did you-" She stopped herself. She couldn't remember telling Sherlock when her birthday was. She was sure she hadn't but she supposed if there was one person in the world who could find out your birthday without you telling them, it was Sherlock Holmes. She leant into him and whispered, "Thank you."

Then she kissed him, she kissed him with all the love she could muster. He could feel her tears on his cheeks. He pulled back and looked deeply into her eyes, making sure she understood every word he was about to say.

"Molly, I never want you to think events in your life are not worth celebrating. I cannot imagine a better day of the year than the day we get to celebrate the existence of you. That's a very important day to me, and I wish to celebrate it with you every year. Okay?"

"Okay." Molly's voice was soft and quiet, tears underlining it as he made her feel so special, so important.

Sherlock kissed her then, kissed her with all the love she had shown and more. He pulled her flush against his chest, exploring her mouth with his tongue and her body with his hands. The kiss quickly became passionate and before he knew what he was doing, he was pulling at the waistband of Molly's pyjamas and she was unbuttoning his shirt. He moaned into her mouth as her hands touched his bare skin. She pushed his shirt from his shoulders and he turned so she was beneath him. Sherlock traced his hand over her t-shirt and pulled at her waistband again, this time pulling her pyjamas and knickers down in one until she could kick them off. His hands ghosted over her thighs and Molly shivered into his lips. Her hands reached for his trousers and pulled his button undone, biting his bottom lip into her mouth as his fingers moved down her body. He helped her push his trousers down to his ankles and soon they were discarded on the floor along with hers. She reached for the base of her t-shirt but his hands stopped hers, she pulled away to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"I like you in my clothes." His voice was almost a growl and it did unspoken things to her. She watched him and bit her lip as his eyes roamed over her whole form. He took in her swollen lips, her flushed face and how her thighs were pressing together beneath his body. He reached for the bottom of his t-shirt, "But I like you more without any."

His breath was hot on her throat as he slowly brought the t-shirt up her torso, his hands exploring the warm skin underneath. When his hands got to her breasts she bucked up into him and he finally pulled the shirt over her head. She kissed him so fiercely that their teeth clashed together and he moaned deep in his throat. Soon Sherlock's hands were back where she needed them and she reached between them to find his erection that was hard against her hip. His weight in his arms faltered as she slipped her hand into his underwear and wrapped her fingers around his warm length before freeing it from its confines. He caught himself and helped her push the final item of clothing to the floor before flashing her a teasing smile and circling her centre with his fingers. It was torturously good and every time his fingers flitted over her most sensitive area she moaned. She wrapped her hand tighter around him and started to move up and down but her hand stopped when his fingers entered her. His kisses on her lips were still so controlled, so tantalising. The sensations were almost overwhelming her but he seemed so sure and steady. It filled her heart to know he could feel like that with her, even if he claimed he didn't have a lot of experience in the bedroom department.

Her hand kept moving up and down his length, circling the tip and using the extra lubrication to glide more smoothly. That control she had just been admiring seemed to be slipping away as he removed his lips from hers and dropped his damp forehead onto her shoulder.

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