Chapter 30

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Had been Loo's reaction to their engagement. John and Mary met the announcement with similar excitement but John used far more expletives. The Holmeses were over the moon. Violet had cried when they had told her through the phone ... very loudly. Siger had been lost for words and even Mycroft offered his congratulations and wished the couple the best. Molly's Grandfather had demanded a date for the wedding so he could book his train ticket as fast as possible. This suggestion was blocked by Sherlock though, who insisted the couple would come down to pick him up. This had earned him a bright smile from Molly so Sherlock had assumed he'd done well. Meena and Mike (who had finally started seeing each other officially, 'inspired' by Molly and Sherlock's relationship), had dropped off a bottle of Champagne in each of their cubby spaces in the staff room when they arrived through the staff entrance hand in hand on Monday morning.

"I think everyone is happy for us." She smiled up at him as she pulled her lab coat over her shoulders. He walked over and ghosted his hands around the back of her neck, untucking her long hair from the collar.

"Not as happy as I am." His low voice vibrated through her as he leaned down to kiss her softly.

Satisfied with her endearing blush as he pulled away, he grabbed his own lab coat and tugged it on. He couldn't help the smug smile that appeared on his face when he turned back around to see Molly admiring her engagement ring. It had taken him three weeks to decide on the right one. He had considered buying multiple and letting her choose, but then he spotted the one that now sat proudly on her finger. The sparkling iridescence of the stones had caught his eye first and he was not ashamed to admit that he'd let out a gruff gasp when he noted the willow leaves gracing the gold band. It seemed like fate and he bought it immediately. Societal rules about the acceptable length of a relationship be damned, he wanted to marry Molly now. He knew in his heart he would never love another woman the way he loves her. It was physically impossible. His brow furrowed as he turned back to her from grabbing his school keys and a frown had formed over her sweet face, still looking down at her ring.

"What's the matter, Molly? Do you not like it anymore?"

She sighed out a chuckle, "Sherlock I love it. It's beautiful."

Confidence in his choice restored by the sparkle in her eye, he moved over and snaked his arms around her waist. "Then what is troubling you?"

Her big brown eyes looked from the ring to his face. "I've got practical experiments with years 9 and 10 today. I don't want anything to happen to it."

Sherlock tapped his hand against his head in an I should have known way. Obviously, that was what she was thinking about. He had also thought about it, and he had a solution. He whizzed away from her to his bag and she watched him with curiosity. He returned with his hands clasped in front of him.

"I had also thought of this. It would be almost a crime to ruin such a beautiful ring. Whoever picked it must have excellent taste."

He winked at her and she laughed, giving him a swat to his ribs.

"I don't want to take it off." Her eyes once again rested on the shining opal on her finger.

"And you don't have to."

When she looked back up at him, he was dangling something from his fingers. She gasped when she realised it was a necklace chain. Not just a necklace chain though, the most beautiful one she had ever seen. It was gold and shimmering in the light, it looked awfully expensive. He held his hand out to her and she took the ring from her finger and placed it in his palm. He carefully threaded it onto the chain before moving behind her. She shivered as his fingers brushed the hair away from her neck. He carefully fastened the necklace chain, the ring dangling perfectly against her chest. He kissed her neck when he was done and she leaned into him, she would do anything for him to keep him kissing her like that. She hummed as he pulled his mouth away. She turned to him and looked down at the chain.

Mr Holmes and Miss Hooper - a Sherlolly StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя